Says it all now that toshiba's bribe money to go hd-dvd exclusive ran out now they select the winning format.
Blu-ray players now total in millions where hd-dvd 100's of thousands.
My hope is hd-dvd dies and goes away leaving one format then i might buy blu-ray movies instead of dvd.
I have inside information that 3 major movie studios are jumping off the hd-dvd bandwagon because the money they were given has run out to be hd-dvd exclusive and going to blu-ray because of the shear number of blu-ray players.
Still not convinced?
Thats not the end of according to my sources there even more jump ship from hd-dvd its days are numbered.
"there can only be one"
Says it all now that toshiba's bribe money to go hd-dvd exclusive ran out now they select the winning format.
Blu-ray players now total in millions where hd-dvd 100's of thousands.
My hope is hd-dvd dies and goes away leaving one format then i might buy blu-ray movies instead of dvd.
I have inside information that 3 major movie studios are jumping off the hd-dvd bandwagon because the money they were given has run out to be hd-dvd exclusive and going to blu-ray because of the shear number of blu-ray players.
Still not convinced?
Thats not the end of according to my sources there even more jump ship from hd-dvd its days are numbered.
"there can only be one"