Google Executives Convicted for Bullying Video

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Its a sad day when someone finds it funny to be abusive to a person who is different whether they have a disability or are just by appearance different. What is worse is the fact that three men can be held accountable by the laws of a country who finds it their place to police a FREE medium like the internet. Here is the real issue. Most of Europe and Asia continues to be jerks to Google because Google is American. They wish they thought of it first.
This is the same court that convicted and sentenced Amanda Knox for 26yrs. A conviction based no discernible physical evidence, motive, with a man already convicted of the actual murder of Meredith Kercher over an alleged sex game. There is contradiction between the weakness of the proof and the gravity of the crime. The only thread of evidence the Italian government has Prosecutors said small traces of DNA matching Kercher's were found on the blade of a knife, washed with bleach, at Sollecito's home. The defense said the knife did not match Kercher's wounds and questioned the DNA evidence. That's it nothing else no motive, no blood spatter, no other alleged DNA, no nothing.

Yeah I can believe the Google executives were convicted!
Isn't this the same as a man hanging a provocative poster of his ex-girlfriend on the side of a building that violated her privacy.

Would the owner of the building be guilty even if they removed it as soon as they found out about it? Or did Google not forbid such posts in their terms of use? It is not like their terms of use condone such behavior, right? Is everybody going to be responsible/liable for graffiti that someone else does?
I'd love to see some advocate hacker post porn or pictures of someone on the Italian Governments website and have them be held accountable by their own laws.
Ok, so by the very same methodology that the prosecuters put the executives on trial, the prosecuters could be put on trial for interfering with my right to purchase goods and services and purvey them.

If a neutral platform can be held responsible for what others upload, even when its against that platform's terms of use, then where does it stop? Is the automaker liable for a drunk running over bystanders? Was the tire maker responsible for the car being able to move at all?
"Most of Europe and Asia continues to be jerks to Google because Google is American."

Please, how on earth did you end up with this news piece somehow being confirmation of a global attack on US integrity?

I can't speak for everyone in Europe and Asia, obviously, but my own experiences leads me to believe that very few people think of Google as a US company. Or would somehow hold it against them if they did for that matter.

It's _Google_ for fecks sake!

This news piece is a tragedy in many ways but lets at least stay away from the more far-fetched conspiracy theories. It's Italy after all, the verdict being rooted in political corruption and abuse of power seems far more believable.
[citation][nom]spongebob[/nom]I wonder if the fact that Google stock is somewhere north of $500 made it easier to convict them.[/citation]
Of course it did it has everything to do with that. And they will do it all in the name of the downtrodden while lining their pockets with the fines they levee.
Well... When in Rome do as Romans do!

If you're going to show a video to a country, make sure those videos comply with their law. As simple as that.

Yet Eurotrash immigration laws (or lack thereof) allow tens of thousands of filthy 3rd world Muslims into their continent.
That judge is so retarded I want to make fun of him in a video and upload it to youtube. Except google would get prosecuted for that too.
[citation][nom]MrTHX[/nom]Yet Eurotrash immigration laws (or lack thereof) allow tens of thousands of filthy 3rd world Muslims into their continent.[/citation]
You are scary.
Ridiculous... just nuts! poor bastards, they even helped and get in the middle of this bs.
They should sue the whole sate, plus they can just defend them selfs saying "dude i was doing my job!" how the heck could a person (well 3) check all the videos that goes up to the web? its not humanly possible.
This is actually a wake up call, your lawmakers are crazy! wake uP!
Just read the article on anandtech as well. This goes to prove how (insert F word) corrupted politicians are. The prime minister there is even suing Google for a clip from an Italian TV show that was found.
It also is being sued by an Italy's Mediaset SpA, a television company controlled by Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Mediaset claims Google broke the law by allowing infringing clips from one of its TV shows to be uploaded to YouTube.
That's just sad. The only good things that come from Italy are Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, and espresso.
Anyone familiar at all with the Italian judicial system would know that this type of conviction is pretty much par for the course.
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