Google looks different on google chrome

Right click the page and use "View source" and "Inspect element".

Compare to another system or browser where the website appears normal.

It is indeed, the whole site also seems slower, even after the page loads it takes a moment to actually show
Backing up a step:

Your link shows "Images" which is a subset of "all".

Makes sense, to me at least, that the implied search criteria would take longer.

Sorting out "all" and reducing the results to "images".

Would take longer as would any similar search.

Well, i believe the problem stems from the fact the website is different, the website never looked like this and never took that long to load.

This is how it appears in firefox

This looked odd to me

After seeing that i opened edge and it looks the same, so i inspected element there and the developer console is very similar, perhaps google thinks chrome is edge for whatever reason?
Code can do strange things.....

Glad it is fixed.

Not uncommon to fix or create code by cutting and pasting.

Not uncommon to forget or overlook some minor modification that was made for testing purposes, etc..

Will not fault the developers as they are usually working and over-worked to meet some deadline and/or the "powers that be" rush stuff out prematurely.

Probably got discovered/fixed/corrected between your original install and the update.
(fixed) happened to me as well, google looked weird on both Chrome and Edge
Windows update didn't fix it, Windows Defender found nothing.
Then I did a scan using Malwarebytes, and found some malware called Hijack.AutoconfigURL
after I removed all of them, google seems all normal again.