Google Privacy Policy Will Track Users Across All Products

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exactly! no opt out option means you gotta use it if you want to use google and be signed in...
it wont be long b4 they ask you to sign in just to use search... "google!. makes big brothers life so much easier." should be there new logo...
Assuming the information is not released to third parties (which I realize may not be a valid assumption, but that's a separate issue), I don't think I have a problem with this. In fact, if I see additional intrusive advertising, it will help me learn what businesses to not support, specifically because of their advertising methods.
keep giving me free products that are awesome google, and i wont even care.

going to go check out its web building stuff soon, wanted a webpage for a while, waiting on google to provide a service, they did, going to try to build something basic for now.
I wonder if Disconnect for Chrome would block it like it does all the facebook crap that pops up.
The video is certainly misleading by connecting all those things even keeping track of everything less about your privacy but more about simply making their ad revenue higher. If anything this is a privacy issue not nearly a positive thing.

I don't want corporations to know everything about me whether they share this info or not.
I don't want them to monitor everything I do and use that to their advantage. We do not accept our governments conducting such behavior so why should we when it comes to corporations?
buhu, atleast they admit it. it's your choice what data you put out onto the web. can't tell me facebook isn't worse
They have been doing this for a while now indeed. So what happens to the people that have several youtube accounts. That means that all their accounts will be linked to one?
I had just assumed they were always doing this, seeing as I only have to log into Google once and I can access my account across all of their services: Gmail, search, Youtube, etc. All this seems to be doing is integrating their services officially.

If anybody actually finds anything in the privacy policy or in Google's practices that is actually concerning, then I'll be troubled. Until then, though, this sounds like more same-old of what we've been using all along.
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