Of course not, if you want future-proofness, you have to look at high-end products like GTX1070 or 1080, coz GTX1060 is only a mid-range GPU. It is recommended to upgrade the GPU every 3 years if you want to enjoy smooth experience, because there is no such thing as future-proof - the technologies are evolving and after maximum of 5 years your rig will be outdated so badly. I've personally bought a GTX760 2GB 3.5 years ago, which is a middle-range card just like GTX1060 is now and after 3.5 years with a middle-level card i can say that it was perfect for the first 2 years and later i noticed how i turn all the settings down and even reduce the resolution to 720p for the latest games like Doom2016 to achieve 60fps. Middle range GPUs age terribly, although my beast CPU (i5-4690K) still amazes me with the performance.