GTX 960 , 970 , Rx470 working with this powersupply


Aug 4, 2016

Dose this power supply thermaltake 450W TT-450PL1NH-1 can handle GTX 960 4gb or GTX 970 or rx470 ?
The Psu is listed as a lite power model.

With two 12v power rails on the cpu where 12v +1 is listed as 14 amps and 12v+ 2 is listed at 13 amps.

Combined around 28 amps for the 12v power rails at a maximum of 324W output for 12v supply.

That would be fine if you were just powering the graphics card on its own.
But you have to factor in the 12v power draw and amps from the 24 pin Atx power block of the motherboard and the extra 12v EPS eight pin also required from the motherboard.

And how many 3.5 " HD drives are in the system, and also any optical drives because they all require a 12v power feed and draw from your PSU at the same time The Pirate.

To be honest you looking at a 550W Psu minimum with a high amp rating for the 12v power...

I can't find a listing for that PSU however, if its a rebrand based on the TP series, it can't deliver its rated Wattage and I'd steer clear.
Best get a reputable brand like Seasonic or EVGA at 650W and Gold certified if you wish for future expansion.
The PSU is the lifeblood of your system and should not be underestimated.
The Psu is listed as a lite power model.

With two 12v power rails on the cpu where 12v +1 is listed as 14 amps and 12v+ 2 is listed at 13 amps.

Combined around 28 amps for the 12v power rails at a maximum of 324W output for 12v supply.

That would be fine if you were just powering the graphics card on its own.
But you have to factor in the 12v power draw and amps from the 24 pin Atx power block of the motherboard and the extra 12v EPS eight pin also required from the motherboard.

And how many 3.5 " HD drives are in the system, and also any optical drives because they all require a 12v power feed and draw from your PSU at the same time The Pirate.

To be honest you looking at a 550W Psu minimum with a high amp rating for the 12v power rails of the psu also.
And make sure the PSU is ATX 2.3 compliant also at least.

For a well known and trusted brand of Psu of a good tier rating at 550W to 600W you can be looking at around the £60 to £70 cost range.

With a decent amp rating on the 12v power rails also.


Actually had it been 324 watt on 12v that would be enough (100 cpu , 150 GPU , 50 MOBO, +extras)

but this power can give only 23A on both 12V1 and 12V2 combined .. it is a cheap one ..

Intel core i5 4670K (I won't over clock and I didn't )
2x Hard Drive HDD
2x4 GB DDR3 Ram
B85-HD3 gigabyte motherboard
1x 120mm fan with led