Gunman Demands Discovery Channel 'Save Planet'

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[citation][nom]chrissreef[/nom]He has some major points... I commend his effort...[/citation]
[citation][nom]Gin Fushicho[/nom]Well his heart was i the right place, his idea was terrible. Killing people never solved anything. *coughs* except it solved the problem of having him kill others.[/citation]
You commend his effort chrissreef? And you Gin Fushicho, think his heart was in the right place? No. No no no no no. He was doing all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons. Nothing at all about what Lee thought or did was positive. His values were totally skewed, and in the end, he got exactly what he deserved for his incredibly stupid and dangerous behavior. "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
The dolts that think colonizing Mars would be easy have absolutely no understanding of it.

Problem one - atmosphere. You can't keep a thick atmosphere on Mars. It's got no magnetic field, so the solar wind rips the atmosphere from the planet. It's also got less gravity to begin with.

You'd have to keep outgassing, which, of course, would keep lowering the mass of the planet, making it harder and harder to keep an atmosphere.

Since Earth is denser, and has a larger core, it's not even clear how strong a magnetic field you could create, if you could somehow find a way to liquefy the core of Mars. Of course, finding enough water for life would be difficult, and of course, it would keep getting ripped by the solar wind.

In short, it's not going to happen any time in the time frame where human overpopulation problems need to be met. At least at the rate we're going.

Carbon dioxide based global warming isn't a bad thing. It's actually the answer for overpopulation, since plants grow much faster with it, and growing seasons are longer. They also keep sucking it out of the air, faster as more gets in there, so it's not a bottomless pit, unless we keep killing plants.

Humans are parasites. Pretty much all animals are. Life begins and ends with plants. That's where most energy comes from, from fueling our cells, to making our cars go (Uranium, solar power, wind power, hydroelectric are exceptions, but make up a small portion of energy harnessed today, and you can't eat them). So, what do we do? We keep cutting down forests and killing plants. As long as plants are thriving, the planet can heal itself. When we destroy this, we've gone to being a parasite to being a cancer - and we die with the organism we killed.

It's easy to say colonize other planets, etc..., but the answer is to save Earth. It starts and ends with plants.

Id like to know how that nutjob got his hands on a pistol... $20 says a grey / black market deealer and not the legal way. That being a local gun show or gun store. Also lol @ his tofu bombs.

Bravo! Sadly, I was thinking about this today... While I was weeding...

Yeah, I know, but I need the money.

But definitely. I'm all for space travel, but we've got so many issues on our own planet, it seems silly because at this point all we'd do is go and wreck another planet. We should learn to manage our problems before spreading them.
but his probation ended 10 days ago.
...even if it hadn't, it's ended now.

and to all those astro-physicists here, who think they understand wormholes and anti-matter explosions and stuff. BY GOD LEARN TO SPELL FIRST!

"Keptins lohg buk entri 1337: 2dei wi lol'd coz wi see astiroyd kresh eentu a plenet. LOL1!!121!"
Glad he's dead, if he really want a channel to show all environmental stuff, he should make the channel himself, but I wonder how many people will pay for it.
Of all the channels, why didn't he pick on National Geographic?

Anyway, one less nutjob, if he had set the bombs off did he have any idea how much CO2 would have been produced?
[citation][nom]duk3[/nom]You promote guns and warfare on your channel! Therefore, I will run in with a gun, try to kill you and explode your building, because bombs create no harmful debris and guns are definitely the weapon of an enviromental activist.Also, ben BOys stop trolling.I'd prefer it if this was the only guy to threaten to destroy the discovery channel if they don't change their programming (although history channel does need more history on it, I'll arrange an attack on that building)[/citation]
You can take the population of the whole world give each one 1500 square feet and stick them in the state of Texas.
[citation][nom]baddad[/nom]You can take the population of the whole world give each one 1500 square feet and stick them in the state of Texas.[/citation]
I heard you could fit the population of the whole world on the Isle Of Wight if they stood shoulder to shoulder, but where's the fun in that?
[citation][nom]jsc[/nom]Ah, more right-wing violence.[/citation]
Obviously you dont know the definition of "right-wing" because this guy was the exact opposite.
Thinking we should, or even can, "save the planet" is nothing but human arrogance. In a few million years, there may be little trace that mankind was ever here. What people are typically talking about is "save the status quo," which means "My group gets to stay powerful and continue to have influence and control over Your group." I don't think climate change is a myth, but that it would be a disaster certainly is. To some areas / people, it may well be, but to others, it might be the boon they need to make their lands economically viable.
This guy was a nut. Anyone who believes his rhetoric is nuts too. Where is the Earth manual from which he pulled these conclusions? Maybe it was in the raw data east anglia deleted? These people are dangerous! They want to do things that make the Nazi's look like under achievers! Sterilize all humans!!?? Now that's compassionate! He hates humans and war? Would that be a contradiction there? Relax, the planet will be here much longer than we will....
The Discovery channel actually has plenty of programing about "saving the earth." Hell, yesterday on The Science channel, which is a discovery channel, ran a marathon on ways to deal with global warming. Except Discovery at least reminds people that even the solutions they are experimenting with could actually cause more problems that solve.

He kinda has a point about over population, except he is an idiot. Medical advances have let people live linger and more births survive. The families who have children are decent enough, the people who need to stop having children are the ones eating up government money.

But IMO all the technology in the world isn't going to stop global warming, all the human race has managed to do is accelerate it by maybe a couple years. The world has had its temperature rise with out our help before, who the hell are we to think we can control what this planet does. I hope there is an asteroid or a big ass volcano soon to shut up these environmentalist.
This guy is a loon and should not have any bearing or affect either direction on anyone's current belief of environmental issues/etc. Don't let crazy people affect your belief system because it just encourages more people to be crazy.
If he was never going to really hurt anybody, then it was a great idea- and for the 4 hours he was there he didn't hurt anyone. How often does anybody listen when you just write letters or protest peacefully? To his credit, he tried those things. Now he does this and his message is everywhere, even Tom's Hardware! I just wish he had surrendered before they shot him. I don't understand what more he thought he was going to accomplish that was worth giving his life for.
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