Gunman Demands Discovery Channel 'Save Planet'

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[citation][nom]ta152h[/nom]The dolts that think colonizing Mars would be easy have absolutely no understanding of it. Problem one - atmosphere. You can't keep a thick atmosphere on Mars. It's got no magnetic field, so the solar wind rips the atmosphere from the planet. It's also got less gravity to begin with. You'd have to keep outgassing, which, of course, would keep lowering the mass of the planet, making it harder and harder to keep an atmosphere. Since Earth is denser, and has a larger core, it's not even clear how strong a magnetic field you could create, if you could somehow find a way to liquefy the core of Mars. Of course, finding enough water for life would be difficult, and of course, it would keep getting ripped by the solar wind.In short, it's not going to happen any time in the time frame where human overpopulation problems need to be met. At least at the rate we're going.Carbon dioxide based global warming isn't a bad thing. It's actually the answer for overpopulation, since plants grow much faster with it, and growing seasons are longer. They also keep sucking it out of the air, faster as more gets in there, so it's not a bottomless pit, unless we keep killing plants.Humans are parasites. Pretty much all animals are. Life begins and ends with plants. That's where most energy comes from, from fueling our cells, to making our cars go (Uranium, solar power, wind power, hydroelectric are exceptions, but make up a small portion of energy harnessed today, and you can't eat them). So, what do we do? We keep cutting down forests and killing plants. As long as plants are thriving, the planet can heal itself. When we destroy this, we've gone to being a parasite to being a cancer - and we die with the organism we killed. It's easy to say colonize other planets, etc..., but the answer is to save Earth. It starts and ends with plants.[/citation]Better way for the Mars idea: Swap Mars with Venus. Venus would be easier to teraform, if only it were further from the sun. Now all you need to do is figure out the ultimate gravity machine and make it happen the next time the two planets pass each other.
This made very little sense. He wanted to ban shows on war, but then says we should lessen the human population.

Which do you think is most effective at doing that?
Fail idea! Discovery Channel is mostly watched in first world nations which already have a low birth rate and a steady or decreasing population, which is the reason for immigration. If you want to slow the spread of human parasites it's the third world you need to convince to stop breeding... which won't happen in their current social climate.
[citation][nom]victomofreality[/nom]Fail idea! Discovery Channel is mostly watched in first world nations which already have a low birth rate and a steady or decreasing population, which is the reason for immigration. If you want to slow the spread of human parasites it's the third world you need to convince to stop breeding... which won't happen in their current social climate.[/citation]

We will tackle this problem one day. Its only a matter of time.
I love it! One nutcase walks into the Discovery Channel and pretty much quotes speeches and books by Bill Gates, Ted Turner, AND HALF THE ADVISERS TO OBAMA ... VERBATIM - and the story is the nutcase NOT THE FACT THAT MOST OF THE LEADING LIGHTS OF POWER WANT MOST OF US HUMANS TO DIE - QUICKLY!

You see, us peasants scrabbling for survival and a decent life might be a threat to the ability of those who get live like GOD'S to have a private jet and a fleet of Escalades to ferry them between their mansions.

In order to insure that the Master of the Plantation gets to enjoy his afternoon lemonade in comfort, they got to cull the herd of slaves down to just enough to serve their needs.

That's what all this Global Climate Change whining is all about.
[citation][nom]simple11[/nom]And this is why we should put our defense budget into NASA. If we don't colonize Mars, or even put some population into space, we're kinda screwed here on Earth.[/citation]

TommySch, blackened, and whoever else,
On my 09/03/10 11:16 AM post, that was sarcasm, apparently too thinly veiled sarcasm.
fayzaan, simple11 is right. Right now, all of our eggs are in one basket. And no one is watching it very closely.
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