To commandersozo: Violence is also the last refuge of a cornered animal. The guy likely saw no hope for the individual and it's true. Do you really think anyone at all can make the old white money change their behaviors with reason and logic? That'd be like saying equal opportunity should be removed because in this day and age if you can't hold your own against someone with actual skills and experience you don't deserve the job. You need to open your eyes my friend. Granted he shouldn'tve gone in there with a gun given his last protests getting enough attention but at least from what's been given in this article it sounds like he was shot for simply holding a gun and a hostage. You don't hold hostages if your intention is to kill them.
If the guy was a little more proactive he could've gotten some support first before he went and did that. I sympathize with the guy. The military can't even secure their own network from malware, solar power isn't free, the president has no real power because "committees" are taking care of everything, a person could go on forever about the limitations government puts on civilization in order to keep power for themselves.
Just consider how better off the entire population would be if the US took it's military budget for a single year, and transferred it into solar power. They would still have superior technology if they put their projects on hold for a year. Howabout forcing researchers to work together for a common cause? Do you really think all those cancer research companies want to get together because they want to cure cancer for everyone? Hell no, they want to do it individually so they can receive credit and money and patents for themselves.
I think his point is that the government could be doing so many things that it's not doing in order to help people as a whole instead of trying to make a buck for itself. I applaud the guy as well for having the balls to make a statement. I feel sorry for what he had to go through - "ignorance is bliss" is a harsher truth than many understand. Realizing what's going on can be very stressful when you're powerless to do anything to change it.
If you want to argue with me about it, just consider whats really going to happen once people are in outer space with their own space ships. Good luck trying to control individuality and criminal enterprise at that point and it's going to be government that creates a need in a portion of the population for that. Normal people at that point will be joining gangs for protection, privacy, and freedom instead of money and power.
Would you rather live every day as a high-stress sales/marketing manager with a bitchy greedy wife and kids or would you rather live as a farmer with some electronic luxuries at your own pace stress free? Why are cigarettes even legal at this point given their toxicity? Government is a joke. Open your eyeballs to reality.