i wonder if this guy had one of pics my own parents took of me?
i'd especially like to have returned one taken by mom where i'm standing in the tub with an improvised shower curtain cape upon my shoulders, shower head on a hose held aloft like a caveman's club and, of course, my wing ding hanging in the wind. it certainly seemed to entertain my parents ... and those guests at my highschool graduation party.
at least i had the good sense to wear goggles so was not entirely recognizable.
... if my dear old dad was still walking around with that pic in his wallet or phone ... or if that neighbor who used to smile at me, offer me candy then tousle my hair had a copy ... both would be weird, sure, but wouldnt believe an arrest warrant would be in order.
i remain suspicious of so many of these "child porn found!" articles. anyone with two brain cells can find pictures of anything and everything on the internet. good, bad or ugly. with or without pants. and i bet prosecuting "the consumers" will work about as well as it has with the war on drugs.
i wonder if its possible to both protect our kids and yet get over sensationalistic reactions to pictures of skin ... found in someone's phone.