Guys which processor will be better? AMDx8Fx-8350@4GHz (8CPUS) and AMD A10-9620P RADEON R5.??

One is a laptop CPU (the A10) and one is an old desktop CPU (FX). Neither of them are great. But a desktop will usually be better because it is not as limited in power as a laptop CPU. I wouldn't recommend EITHER for a desktop computer purchase.
both are okay but if your looking to buy and not particular about mobility. I would wait until the new Ryzen 2(3000 #) are out according to rumors the low end r3 3000 will have 6 cores 12 treads and a 4.3 ghz speed for 99 bucks. or get 3000g which should have graphics with the cpu giving you from what rumor is radeon 570 performance(price $130.00)will not need a graphics card. can do a good itx(mini build)