[citation][nom]xbeater[/nom]I don't understand that you are all so scared of the terrorist threat.I've lived in the middle east for multiple years, and I sware I've never felt safer any other place. The people are very nice here, and Al-Qaeda, the locals here believe it is actually a made up scare by the US Gov't, in order to control the population, and make them seem like heroes when they do something about the terrorist threatPersonally I find their theory very believable due to evidence from past events, and hence whether this article is even true. NBC News is American right? See if this came from a UK news broadcast or otherwise, I might believe it more, but it's American...This all seems far to convenient for as far as I'm concerned.[/citation]Oh yes, my friend! Just the other day I was blowing up my neighbor Habeeb's house (he looked at my goat lustfully), when I was telling Al-Jahar that I saw an American broadcast about oxygen. They were claiming that it was necessary for us to live! Such obvious lies.