Hacking the Android


Feb 9, 2010
My friend recently rooted his droid to allow tethering and multi-touch, amongst other things as well. Anyways, I'm a very paranoid person when it comes to internet use and keep things locked down pretty good, and been getting into simple wireless network hacking (For educational and security use, not malicious in any means, but as a way to penetrate, then protect.)

Anyways, we've been going back and forth, being the IT people we are, about a way to get into his droid via the wifi hotspot he would create once tethering his device. The app allowing him to do this, also allows him to see and boot me off if I join if he pleases. What im trying to figure out is a way around to get in silently to his phone, via a wireless connection.

I was thinking of using BackTrack4 for this, or some sort of tool to atleast begin the process of trying to get in the first place.

Any one care to give some input or ideas? :sol:

Could you please send me some of the tricks you;ve done with your droid to me email: kabanja@hotmail.com

I don;t think Tom would allow us to go any deeper into this stuff here!!