Hardware repair guide suggestion/ comment thread


Apr 29, 2010
I have a Dell laptop with a Matshita UJ-875S ATA device. When I insert a DVD it makes a terrible clunking noise and won't play. It will eject the disc after a while. Do I need to replace the drive and if so, does anyone know how I go about finding one? I tried looking on ebay and with various manufacturers, but no luck. Is there a comparable product made by a different manufacturer? Any advice would be appreciated.
Does it make the clunking noises and such with any disc that you put in, i.e. CD's, etc...? If so, it is probably on its way out. Take a look at this site to see if you can find a replacement.


If not, contact the manufacturer and they can tell you what drives will work. If the laptop is under warranty, they should send you another for free.
I am guessing that you want to repair the laptop yourself if you can find the part.

I googled the drive part number and found all kinds of hits for the drivers, but none for the drive.

If you cannot find the drive, an inexpensive alternative is a small external drive.

If you can find the drive, take a look at this:

It's for a Toshiba, but the general principles still apply.