HD upgrade



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

I have tried and tried but I can not get a 200gb or a 160gb HD to appear
iin the Replay as anything larger than a 120gb. RTV Patch see the drive
as 200gb but when I install it in the Replay it is back to 120gb. Is
there something I am missing or what. Using XP Pro SP2 with ASUS P4T533 mb.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

what model replay. 3000 models and sooner don't support larger drives.
Alternatively...are you sure the bios on your pc supports drives
larger than 120 gb? If it doesn't you'll need an ATA 100 card that
will support it or use and external usb 2 or firewire case that
supports large drives. I have a usb 2 external drive case that I use
when I format repalytv drives. It cost about $20 and supports up to 300
gb drives.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

I have a 5040 and yes the bios does support drives larger than 120gb. I
have a 200 and a 160 gb drive in the machine and they work just fine.

butlermd@pol.net wrote:
> what model replay. 3000 models and sooner don't support larger drives.
> Alternatively...are you sure the bios on your pc supports drives
> larger than 120 gb? If it doesn't you'll need an ATA 100 card that
> will support it or use and external usb 2 or firewire case that
> supports large drives. I have a usb 2 external drive case that I use
> when I format repalytv drives. It cost about $20 and supports up to 300
> gb drives.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

>butlermd@pol.net wrote:
>> what model replay. 3000 models and sooner don't support larger drives.
>> Alternatively...are you sure the bios on your pc supports drives
>> larger than 120 gb? If it doesn't you'll need an ATA 100 card <snip>

I had an ATA card that would not format 160gig harddrive properly.
It should up as 160gig replay drive in computer but showed up as
137gig once put in Replay. Apparently this particular brand ATA card
was at fault. I redid the drive using regular IDE cable and it worked
fine once put in Replay.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

How many hrs should a 200gb drive show available in the High Res record
mode? Mine shows 77.

butlermd@pol.net wrote:
> what model replay. 3000 models and sooner don't support larger drives.
> Alternatively...are you sure the bios on your pc supports drives
> larger than 120 gb? If it doesn't you'll need an ATA 100 card that
> will support it or use and external usb 2 or firewire case that
> supports large drives. I have a usb 2 external drive case that I use
> when I format repalytv drives. It cost about $20 and supports up to 300
> gb drives.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Joe Allison wrote:
> I have tried and tried but I can not get a 200gb or a 160gb HD to appear
> iin the Replay as anything larger than a 120gb. RTV Patch see the drive
> as 200gb but when I install it in the Replay it is back to 120gb. Is
> there something I am missing or what. Using XP Pro SP2 with ASUS P4T533 mb.

Some replay's have a 120Gig limit, Now, as it happens, I can use a good
160 Gig and send a 120 in exchange (Just kidding, too much work to
transfer all the files)
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 22:08:17 GMT, John in Detroit
<Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>Joe Allison wrote:
>> I have tried and tried but I can not get a 200gb or a 160gb HD to appear
>> iin the Replay as anything larger than a 120gb. RTV Patch see the drive
>> as 200gb but when I install it in the Replay it is back to 120gb. Is
>> there something I am missing or what. Using XP Pro SP2 with ASUS P4T533 mb.
>Some replay's have a 120Gig limit, Now, as it happens, I can use a good
>160 Gig and send a 120 in exchange (Just kidding, too much work to
>transfer all the files)

The limit is actually 128GB (sometimes called 137GB with different
math. It's the same limit).

People might say 120GB, since that's the largest drive you can get
that's not over the limit. However, the Replay would be able to use
128GB of a 160GB drive (the remaining 32GB is inaccessible with the
more-limited system).

4 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

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paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh