howdy guys been pokein round the net and cant seam to find any reviews of a laptop with the HD6970m on a 1600x900 screen. call me crazy but i STILL dont think that single card solutions in laptops can play modern games @ full HD let alone be future proof, so ive been looking around to try and find a laptop with the option to use a 1600x900 screen, lo-and-behold i found one with Eurocoms cougar, the screen is customizable to use a 1600x900 native resolution.
NOW the only problem is... how will it perform? Will it be future proof? If so then for how long?
Tomshardware is the best place to ask these questions so here I am picking your brains YET AGAIN
Thanks guys
NOW the only problem is... how will it perform? Will it be future proof? If so then for how long?
Tomshardware is the best place to ask these questions so here I am picking your brains YET AGAIN
Thanks guys