Headphone help, replacing my 'gaming headset'



Okay guys, I need your help. I was up all night searching, skimming, watching reviews and trying to make a decision. My Razer tiamat 2.2 of which I bought 3 years ago is pretty much on its last legs and as I know more about audio than I did at the time of purchase i've decided to ditch gaming headsets and just buy a good set of Headphones. I need recommendations. To keep this short, i'll just jump right to the point and tell you the requirements:

- Punchy bass, I love me some Dubstep from time to time and good bass is nice for movies and gaming too.
- Comfortable for long gaming sessions, I have a small head and ears, im only 5'3, so size isn't a problem.
- Good mids and highs , for more acoustic and classical music, I listen to everything. Don't want anything too bright though where the treble takes over. A rich sound? I don't know, i'm not good at terminology.
- no more than $75 USD, so the best I will be able to find for this price.

I'm good for mic's I have already chosen mine, not that I play many multiplayers though.
Anyone who can suggest some options will be an absolute lifesaver.

Thanks but not thanks. I'm moving away from gaming headsets and instead buying higher quality headphones to get better quality out of my money. Not to mention they go over my budget...did you actually read any of my thread other than the title?
Yes, they are gaming headsets, and yes they do go over your budget slightly. But I owned a pair and they are the most comfortable and multipurpose pair I've ever put on, despite the fact that they are marketed for gaming. I know you have been fooled by all the marketing hype of the gaming headsets as I did.

If you can do without mics, you can look at these two:
Sennheiser hd419
Superlux hd 681 evo