Hearing test.



Archived from groups: rec.audio.high-end (More info?)

Hi all. Yesterday i had a hearing test done at the ENT doctors. I was in for
some wax removal. The test showed I have severe rolloff of high frequencies.
The right ear was 4kz and the left ear was 8khz. So, im laughing at the stereo
components that have to have up to 100khz frequency. I can't hear it anyway!
I'm 49 years old. How is YOUR hearing? -Bob Bernstein.
Archived from groups: rec.audio.high-end (More info?)

On 25 Nov 2004 16:06:14 GMT, rbernst929@aol.com (RBernst929) wrote:

>Hi all. Yesterday i had a hearing test done at the ENT doctors. I was in for
>some wax removal. The test showed I have severe rolloff of high frequencies.
>The right ear was 4kz and the left ear was 8khz. So, im laughing at the stereo
>components that have to have up to 100khz frequency. I can't hear it anyway!
>I'm 49 years old. How is YOUR hearing? -Bob Bernstein.

Don't be sad. The typical ENT tests are grossly inadequate to show
anything except thresholds in the speech range. If you really want to
know what you can hear, you need a more comprehensive test in an
isolation chamber or get Audio-CD (and find your own quiet place).

Archived from groups: rec.audio.high-end (More info?)

RBernst929 wrote:

> Hi all. Yesterday i had a hearing test done at the ENT doctors. I was in for
> some wax removal. The test showed I have severe rolloff of high frequencies.
> The right ear was 4kz and the left ear was 8khz. So, im laughing at the stereo
> components that have to have up to 100khz frequency. I can't hear it anyway!
> I'm 49 years old. How is YOUR hearing? -Bob Bernstein.


Welcome to the real world! ;-)

I had my last audiometry about four years ago. I was
surprised that my hearing was still quite good for my age
(44). If I recall correctly some key points of my hearing
threshold were:

20 Hz at 70 dB SPL
1kHZ at 30 dB SPL
16kHz at 40dB SPL

So, I can join you in the laughing about "high-end" specs
which are not auduble...


Archived from groups: rec.audio.high-end (More info?)

On 11/25/04 11:06 AM, in article co4vtm07ud@news3.newsguy.com, "RBernst929"
<rbernst929@aol.com> wrote:

> Hi all. Yesterday i had a hearing test done at the ENT doctors. I was in for
> some wax removal. The test showed I have severe rolloff of high frequencies.
> The right ear was 4kz and the left ear was 8khz. So, im laughing at the
> stereo
> components that have to have up to 100khz frequency. I can't hear it anyway!
> I'm 49 years old. How is YOUR hearing? -Bob Bernstein.

Wow - that is much more than normal hearing loss at that age. I figure you
were a fan of really loud music in the past?

One ear is about 15kHz for me, the other 18kHz. I am 35.
Archived from groups: rec.audio.high-end (More info?)

I had it done a few moths ago (while buying hearing protection), still above
average for my age (31 years old).
But are you a right handed drummer with that right ear 4K rolloff?

Michel de Vries
"RBernst929" <rbernst929@aol.com> wrote in message
> Hi all. Yesterday i had a hearing test done at the ENT doctors. I was in
> some wax removal. The test showed I have severe rolloff of high
> The right ear was 4kz and the left ear was 8khz. So, im laughing at the
> components that have to have up to 100khz frequency. I can't hear it
> I'm 49 years old. How is YOUR hearing? -Bob Bernstein.
Archived from groups: rec.audio.high-end (More info?)

Hi Michel. As a matter of fact, i WAS a right handed drummer for many years in
bands and classical symphonies. -Bob Bernstein.