Help choosing first quality headphones.


Jan 18, 2016
First of all I would like to thank everyone reading this.

Now to the point, I finally decided to buy a headphone that costs more than 20-30$. I can't say I am much of an audiophile, I even like how my cheap Panasonic in-ear headphones sound like, but they are getting old and I feel like it is time to get something nicer. After testing different types I discovered that over-ear is my type.

I set a budget of 150$, I know it's not much, but I think it's enough to get my first headphones of some quality. Of course I can pay a little more if I really like one.

After some research I have stopped on these:

Sony MDR-100AAP
Audio-Technica ATH-M50X or ATH-M40X
Bose SoundTrue Around-Ear II.

But I am open to suggestions. Unfortunately I managed to try on only the Sony from the listed and I am hoping you to share some experience.

Thank you for your time.
You have made a good start:

Quality: i.e., you like the sound, is subjective.

The only way to know is to listen via various headphones and select the ones that sound best to you. Plus have a comfortable feel and appear to be solid with respect to the earphones, wires, and plugs.

Take your time and try to borrow or find other ways to listen to the other choices you have in mind.

Go to the the manufacturer's websites. Read the product User Guides/Manuals. Check the manufacturer's Forums and FAQs.

Then go online and look for reviews by verified buyers, independent reviewers, or product comparisons.

With respect to verified buyers look for products with many reviews and a high overall rating. ( I use at least 100 reviews - four star or better as a minimal guideline for starting purposes.)

You are on the right track already. And there may be additional posts herein from end-users who have purchased and used the headphones you have in mind. Fine with me.
Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately where I am from it is too hard to find a place where you can test these headphones, either they are sold only online or they don't let you test them.
That is why I am posting here, maybe someone who owned at least 2 of the listed can advice me which one is the better one.
I know sound is subjective, but I think they all sound nice, judging from the comments I have read.
I am more intereted in build qulity and how much they "leak", meaning how much the outside world can hear the song I am listening to.
I also know that 150$ may not sound much, but for me they are. So I want to be absolutely sure before making a purchase.