Help me find phone please


Mar 14, 2007
I bought an HTC HD2 a year or so ago and it was horrible. It froze. It would not keep me logged in to social sites so I had to log in every time I wanted to check facebook and twitter. :fou: And I never liked the touch typing. And HTC would never help me. I got rid of it and went back to my old broken down blackberry.

Right now I am using T Mobile but I'd switch carriers if I really had to. I'd like a phone with a qwerty keyboard. A phone that is stable and will keep me logged in to facebook and twitter. And a nice decent sized screen. Thank you for any suggestions my friends.

Kind regards, Dave :pt1cable:
Well depending on the carrier, it sounds like you'd enjoy going back to a Blackberry. The BB Torch is excellent in terms of it's physical keyboard and touch capabilities. There is also the droid pro, which I believe is a verizon phone that comes with a physical keyboard.


Mar 14, 2007

Thanks buwish! I'm watching some reviews on the two you suggested and they look pretty much like what I want. Between the DROID Pro and BB Torch which one is more stable and easy to use? Thanks again!

Any more suggestions are much appreciated. :hello: