Help me in selecting a new laptop.


Apr 11, 2015
I am thinking to purchase a laptop for my father. It's HP pavilion 15 au113tx. It has an Intel i7-7200u, Nvidia Geforce GTX 940mx with 16 gigs of ram and 2 TB of hard drive. My father plays World of Tanks, SWTOR, WOW and several other games. Will this laptop be able to last at least 5 years while playing games at medium-high quality? My dad travels a lot, that's why I am thinking to get a laptop. Thanks!

If portability is not a requierement, I don't know why you wanted a laptop in first place

Go for a desktop computer what you are looking at is too much, an H110 mobo plus a core i3 or core i5 will be enough

For GPU I don't recommend anything below Rx 460

the Rx 460 is $100-110 and I'd look forward the GTX 1050 for the same price or even a 1050 ti
I'm guessing the games aren't graphics intense, more CPU intense. If so, then the integrated graphics will be more than enough, but since you have an external GPU, then it will definitely be more than enough. Can you list the other games, and if so, are they graphics intense, or more CPU bound?

I have a laptop that can play basic games that are more CPU bound than GPU, and it is really similar to that one, but only has 8GB of RAM, a i7 6700HQ, and no Internal GPU. So that should definitely be enough for your Father to play basic games!

Be careful on the battery life though, mine lasts around 3-4 hours from full charge, and I cannot find something to say what the battery life of that specific laptop is, but similar ones are around 9 hours, but I cannot say that for sure, so unless he has a constant charge going to it, then that can be an issue if he travels a lot.
I would suggest better graphics if you want to futureproof it for so long. There is many options in same pricerange with 6th gen I5, 960M, 16GB and so on.
Here is an example.
Yeah it's an i7 not i5.

I do not know where you live and what it cost in your country but it's just an estimation.

The games are more graphic intensive. That's why I have selected one with a Good gpu. He is very careful about always finding a place to charge the machine, so I'm not concerned about that. World of tanks does need a good Gpu to run with nice graphics so does SWTOR and World of Warcraft. The reason I am going for a nice gpu is because he needs the graphics too.
Thanks for the reply.

After intensive research I have found the one I have listed. If I wish better graphics then The price range is a bit out of my budget. The one which you have listed is not available in my area.

There are laptops with better graphics cards than a 940, not really played any of them games so not too sure on what it'll be like. But with it being a 900 series GPU, it should be enough for him to use.

What GPU does he use at the moment? and if the GPU in that laptop is better than it'll be great for him.

He had a desktop but it is not working anymore. It had a GT 210 which was far from average. Thanks for the advise!

I am myself using a 950m. I can run it on ultra at standard textures. Any laptop you would wanna suggest?
Im not sure how world of tanks would run in the 950m at ultra considering 960m is too weak and manages at 1080p 23 fps on ultra.

As to suggestions I would recommend bare minimum of a 960m but better would mean your dad would get a lot more lifespan out of the laptop.

The 940M IS NOT a good gaming GPU, You need to look further, a 960M at least or wait for nvidia pascal cards such as the 1050 or 1050 ti


1050 and 1050ti in a laptop? Ooh that's going to be expensive...

If you think spending $1000 or $1300 on a GTX 970M is worth it, you are wrong

Pascal laptops are decently priced, keeping in mind the performance they all offer

A 1200 dollar 1060 laptop outperforms a 1500 dollar 980M laptop and is very close to a 980 laptop

A 1400-1400 dollar 1070 laptop is much better than a 2500 980 laptop and similar to a 980M SLI laptop
My budget is somewhere near 980 usd. How about an assembled desktop? I have selected i5 6600 as the processor with MSI Z170a motherboard, 8-16 gigs of ram. I just need some help on selecting a GPU. Will a 750 ti be enough? As it would be coming in the budget. The 900 series is quite expensive and I also need an operating system.

If portability is not a requierement, I don't know why you wanted a laptop in first place

Go for a desktop computer what you are looking at is too much, an H110 mobo plus a core i3 or core i5 will be enough

For GPU I don't recommend anything below Rx 460

the Rx 460 is $100-110 and I'd look forward the GTX 1050 for the same price or even a 1050 ti