By coincidence, I came across this discussion at the same time I found my old 5mx box with all manuals, etc. while clearing my attic. The 5mx itself is long-disused, and awaiting yet another hinge replacement (when I get the chance).
The most important features for me where:
- That EXACT keyboard (I also saw it on the Amstrad @mailer, so I guess the supplier was still active after Psion shut down). Size, key travel & feel, everything was perfect
- Touchscreen essential - faster response time would be faster
- The OS. I know this is impossible, but the 5mx OS was the best PDA OS out there, even now. Hey, it went on to become Symbian. The HTC Universal, Hermes, etc. all tout as potential "laptop replacements" and fail miserably (I should know, I've had them). The 5mx was more of a "I don't have my laptop with me, but I don't care, because I have my 5mx."
- Recessed hardware buttons were also great. Not too big, not too small.
- Fixed-location softkeys for common apps on edge of screen
- Zero lag when switching to any application.
- Zero lag
- Zero lag again. Something that waits for you, not v.v.
I remember the most useful, and striking thing, was the object nesting; something even WM5 can't do now. I used to follow this workflow at a regular meeting:
1. Go into Agenda
2. Go to the meeting appointment, and go to the notes field, where the agenda was kept.
3. Create a new Word document inside the appointment
4. Type up the minutes of the meeting as it unfolds
5. Insert vector-based drawing objects into minutes as required. Draw was a 3rd-party app, but so seamless that you could insert drawing objects, and they would appear in-line. <sigh!>
6. Add Logo bitmaps to the top, and standard header/footer
7. Insert a Sketch object at the bottom, by signing directly onto the screen
8. Print the Word document, including embedded header/footer/logo/signature, directly to the printer
9. Exit out of the Word doc back into the Appointment. Save the appointment changes. And if I ever need to find the minutes, I just look for the day of the meeting, and there they are.
I'm not sure if our customer was more impressed by the speed at which I was typing, or by seeing me wave my PDA at a nearby IR printer and have a hardcopy of the minutes of the meeting in his hand before he even walked out the door. Of course, so many embedded docs could bloat the Agenda file; at one point I think it was almost 800kb. Luckily, they were just files, and so I could have a separate agenda purely for minutes, or a particular customer.
ISTR the embedded documents synced back to Outlook as well, at least to one nesting level
So, for any MS WM5 developers out there, remember the following words:
- Embedded objects
- Nested embedded objects
- Vector-based drawing tool
Ummm... 😳 Anyway, evangelising aside, my input to the project would be that the 5mx was perfect, and the only things I missed on it when I finally switched to the P800 were:
- Bluetooth (rather than trying to balance my SH888 on my knee to align the IR ports)
- Colour screen
On top of that, since we're in the 00's, why not add:
- Better speaker and mike for conference calls/video calls
- Integrated 3G HSDPA chip and USIM slot - allowing constant RSS updates, videocalls, etc. etc. For voice calls, forget about sidetalking; it's either speakerphone or bluetooth
- High capacity, cheap flash memory; is this still CF, or something else now?
- Second, configurable status LED (or OLED) on outside case
- Video call camera (low res CMOS, front-facing). Don't worry about a high-res front camera, unless it's no problem adding a 3.0MP+ with excellent picture quality (we're talking Nokia rather than HTC).
- USB2.0 to replace serial
- Audio/Video streaming to high quality
- WiFi 802.11b, if you like / (or don't have a flat-rate data tariff)