fluppeteer you have very good and valid points but you seem to be missing some important things.
Thank you.
🙂 I knew I was missing something - otherwise there wouldn't have been so much enthusiasm for the 5mx PDA idea. I just wanted to know what!
first, why do you assume every current pda user who used to love the 5mx is happy with a smartphone or a nokia 9500?
Oh, I don't. I'd just like to know why they're not. The 9500 is, I believe, the direct descendent - Nokia may have messed up the GUI, and I believe they've got rid of the touch screen (which I've only just realised), and quite possibly the keyboard isn't as good... but it's the nearest thing to a current 5mx. I do think that a modern 5mx that's *not* a phone as well has to justify itself against the 9500, though.
awwww web browsing on 200x300 pixels, you *must* be kidding! i get a headache even with qvga after 5 mins of browsing or using other apps that need more res.
Agreed - if the P990 had a VGA screen I'd be prepared to put up with a lot, but the 208x320 of my P910i is, admittedly, frustrating. However, the 9500 is 640x200, same as the 5mx - and people were objecting that anything more was excessive.
awwww the nokia 9500's typical nokiaish stupidity and sluggishness and closed OS!
Symbian is a direct derivative of EPOC32. Never having owned a 9000 series, is it actually completely closed? Obviously the kernel's not public, but if developing for it is impossible, Nokia deserve not to have sold many. That said, I have little sympathy for mobile phone companies - if they allowed the user more control over skinning the phone (and changing the GUI) in the first place, we'd be able to get around most of what makes them unusable. I'd assumed there was a third party application market for the 9000 series as there was for the 5mx and is for other smartphones. If not, I can see the source of the complaining!
what does that leave for a current clamshell pda? qtek 9000 (same as imate jasjar etc)? yeah, except that it is too small

then, wm5 is still slightly annoying. same applies to zaurus, too small, linux is for geeks, i still feel lost with it even though i love my c760.
I'm boycotting the JasJar variants on the basis of Windows Mobile; that said, my experience of the P990 may force my hand. I could live with Linux, if I could actually get at the OS. I can see that the JasJar doesn't have the (relatively) usable keyboard of the 5mx.
the 5mx and the jornada 720 had it just right with their size. (and may i say with the OS and GUI too?)
I'm a fan of the form factor (or of something very slightly longer that I could actually touch-type on). I'm a fan of EPOC32 (for a PDA, far more so than XP), although it would need modifying a lot for anything new. I'm just wary that it would be starting from scratch - the existing 5mx software would probably not handle a new screen well (although I don't know how well things ported to the NetBook, if at all), to the best of my knowledge we don't have access to the EPOC source code, and I've been assuming, perhaps falsely, that the 9000 series, like other smartphones, already has a lot of software available. If compatibility can't be maintained, we'll end up with something like the 5mx when it first launched, not the 5mx after it had been on the market for a few years and lots of software was available. Add support for some modern hardware and capabilities and there's a really significant development effort.
Not that I wouldn't like to see the results, if it were done properly, but I don't think it's an easy project, even with a lot of internet-based support.
now, anything else? nope.. there IS a niche for a new 5mx/jornada 720 line. more than just one little clamshell device, a whole product range would be good.
If there's a lineage, I agree - time for them to develop, for the public domain community to build up, and for the development costs to be amortized over multiple devices. Unfortunately, that model involves the first one being a loss-leader, which is a big ask.
you can't just say hey theres the nokia 9500 as that doesnt satisfy a lot of needs. i'm such a user. ruins your point there.
I'm not saying the 9500 is perfect - I'm just curious how many people who would like a "new 5mx pda" wouldn't be happy with one. If you're such a person, that answers part of my question! If the demand for such a thing was so great, I'd still expect the 9000 series to have sold better than they do, even if they're not perfect substitutes - they're the nearest thing available.
I've never used a 9x00 (I did try a few shops over the weekend, but no-one had one in), so I'll take your word for it that the OS is broken. I think it's a sensible thing to look at, on which to improve, though. Is it just slow, or is the GUI broken? Is the resolution too low? Is the keyboard unusable? Do people miss the touch screen?
Assuming the source to EPOC32 isn't floating around, bear in mind we're comparing an OS that actually exists to (a replacement) one that doesn't. It's easy to criticise - although I'm not claiming it's unjustified in this case. EPOC32 may have been more light weight, but it probably also did a bit less; some of that (pretty colour animations) may be pointless fluff, and some of it might actually be necessary.
btw about OS'es, i'm not sure why several users here bashed CE so badly.. but CE is actually a very nice solution when you don't want the complexity of a full xp system - and it is still very powerful, see how many apps accessories etc are available for it. amazing! so much more power lies in it, than in the dumb symbian smartphones.
My limited experience has been that it's slow, unstable, and the user interface isn't sensible. That used to be the reason I went with Symbian, although UIQ seems to be veering that way itself a bit. There are quite a lot of apps available for Symbian too. My biggest concern is that I'm not sure a Windows interface is the way I want to use my phone, and the impression I've got has always been coloured by the idea that they have a "familiar Windows interface". It's bad enough that my *PC* has a Windows interface (sometimes); I'd rather my phone had a proper phone interface, thanks.
However, I've not used the latest versions, I know they're getting (a bit) better (at least given a fast enough CPU), and the mess that's been made of the P990 may force me to get my toes wet if someone doesn't produce a decent Linux mobile soon.
Re. CE on a PDA, vs a Smartphone, I'm sure it makes more sense - although again, I'd rather have a PDA that's a good PDA than a PDA that's a good computer (otherwise I'd still have my Newton and I'd use my Zaurus more). My smartphone is a "good enough" PDA that my Palm is now rarely used, just to save pocket space. CE in a 5mx form factor won't bring back the impression of an actual 5mx, IMHO - but then I believe Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and I might be biased by a historical impression of these devices without having tried new ones. Is there a current version that would actually work with this form factor? CE is certainly no substitute as a PC for a real XP box, if such a thing can be done.
now, the GUI on the pocketpc's (including wm5, sadly) is crap... i'd revert back to real CE, which is more stable anyway after getting rid of that fluff whats on pocketpc's.
I suspect, never having used one extensively, that I'd agree with you. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Microsoft are willing to lose the brand recognition (unless there's a GUI option setting I've not seen). Microsoft have never been strong at ensuring something is broken before they fix it.
so.. i still use the jornada 728 and sigmarion 3 and such stuff, but i don't use the 5mx any more. for one i needed bluetooth - who is as crazy nowadays as using infrared for internet? bleh!! wifi is just a nice extra for me but i know it is a must have today to sell something like this, so i'd definitely include wifi in this new 5mx.
even better, include gprs, edge, umts (evdo for usa), hsdpa, ... much better than to interface to a cellphone over bluetooth. its just a press of a button and you're online if the unit has a cellphone modem built in! not a clunky solution as needing to connect to the separate phone. must have for me. and it'd sell the product much better and easier to lots of people.
Hmm. As I PDA, with life for which the phone is practical, it might be valid - clearly Nokia think so. Thing is, it massively complicates the device (if only from a certification point of view) - which is why, generally, it's the phone companies, not the PDA companies, that make smart phones. I agree that not having the phone in it makes it look inferior; however, as a project which may have limited backing, being able to use the phone that almost everyone has anyway is not such a bad thing. A P910i is a big phone that happens to work as a PDA; holding a 5mx to your ear is just going to look silly.
Mostly, though, I don't think it's worth the effort to make a x86 Windows version double as a phone. It wouldn't be a very good phone, and the effort is enormous. Bluetooth is much easier. Plus, upgrade the phone and you get better connectivity without updating the PDA (unless part of the business model is to charge for upgrades).
so, fluppeteer, you can't be serious when telling all these users to just continue using the 5mx. now epoc was a very efficient OS but a 36mhz cpu? 16mb ram? no onboard office compatibility? no decent web browser (dont mention opera, i could never open more than one window on my 5mx in it and ssl etc sucked.) no colour?
I'll admit to being slightly facetious in the interests of finding out why people don't find the existing 5mx sufficient. Why do you need more than a 36MHz CPU if the OS and all the apps can keep up? (Remember, Acorn started with an 8MHz ARM, and RISC OS was pretty snappy.) Do you need more than 16MB for plain text emails, simple web browsing (my P800 lived with 8MB for long enough), and genuine PDA functions? For what do you actually need colour, given that it will probably make the display less clear and hamper the battery life? (If we consider eInk, or similar.)
If you want a web browsing machine, is a 5mx really the place to start compared with, say, a Nokia 770? (Which has its own problems, but is at least designed to do the job.) Will anything not running a full desktop browser at a decent resolution actually do a decent job with a web site? Many web sites don't even run properly in Firefox under Linux - a PDA doesn't stand a chance. ("Best viewed at 1024x768." Gee, thanks.)
What Office functionality do you actually need? Never having owned a 5mx, I've always assumed that someone had written something capable of outputting RTF and CSV (like Pipedream, seen on RISC OS and the z88).
The reason I put forward the idea of sticking with an original 5mx is that there seems to have been a split between people (including myself) wanting a full-function PC (with various degrees of practicality), those saying "a 5mx with..." (list of features to make it, effectively, a PC), and those saying "don't need colour, don't need Windows, don't want web browsing, just want a good PDA". The question then is: what exactly is it that the original 5mx did wrongly that needs improving? (Other than the tendency of the screen to break.) That's not the same as "what bells and whistles would you like thrown in?"
no bluetooth, no wifi? please don't be kidding. amazing really. no, i want to have a device that is capable of more than the 5mx used to be, sorry, but the 5mx is just too old now. same deal software wise, just one small example, can't i have smtp auth for email? the psion doesn't have it. ridiculous. sigh.
I have to say I'm surprised nobody ever wrote bluetooth or 802.11 (CF-card) support for the 5mx. Surely they're there on the Linux port for the 5? I'm sure the NetBook had support, and probably not just in the CE version.
It sounds like you've had much more experience than I have, and I may have been assuming that, at some point in the last several years, someone had ported some basics. Maybe the need was never seen - a lot of phones still have IrDA support, for example.
and now dont tell me to go and use a nokia 9500, it is too stupid and nokiaish.
That's either not very specific, or very specific indeed.
🙂 I merely mention it as the 5mx's successor, but I'll accept that Nokia may have messed it up.
its symbian OS is so limited as well. nowhere as powerful as CE.
Yet, ironically, more powerful than EPOC32 (I have to assume they didn't cut stuff out, given that it's slower). You'd really like WinCE, but without the same GUI? I can't see Microsoft going for it, and maybe a lot of Psion owners won't either.
also if the nokia is the only one choice for a decent clamshell device then the world is really a bad place. we need to have more choices!! there are more users and more needs and more various ones than that.
Well, competition is good. I'm just wary that, effectively, volunteering someone to develop, from scratch, something that's a better competitor than something with as much development behind it as the 9500 with Nokia trying to stop you is... courageous. As a pipe dream, I love it. Again, it depends if what we're discussing is practical. Much of what I've been dismissing I'm only doing because it's not, IMHO, enough better than an existing product to have a market - not because I don't think things can be done better (they almost always can). If something might actually be made (or even if we waste effort describing it), it seems sensible to target the biggest potential result for our efforts.
now about the discussion whether it should be a pda or a pc, i'd say both

make a pda version and a pc version

i want mirc in my pocket anyway

hmm and what about a dualcore like thing??? great idea!!
I like the Dualcore thing too - assuming it's not been patented into oblivion. It does, however, carry all my concerns about the PDA version whilst complicating the PC version a lot. I'd love it, but it's very risky - don't get the PDA right and people might not buy the PC; make the PC useless and it's a very expensive PDA. Plus you'd need the PDA to run at a sensible PC screen resolution (although a bit of dynamic scaling might work). You'd probably only sell to people that needed both, not (as you might hope) people who needed either.
so, about the pda version, whether it is needed again: the niche that needs a simple yet powerful clamshell pda would be happy with it, with whatever OS - i'd prefer CE

without the ppc gui but with a ppc compatibility layer.
I like the idea (especially without the PPC GUI), but I'm wary about whence this OS will come. EPOC is, presumably, unavailable. It appears that Microsoft aren't keen further progress on this version of CE, including development of current applications, but I might be reading too much into my browsing of the web site. Microsoft have always made a big thing of corporate branding, and I would be surprised if they're willing to forgo the GUI whilst still providing the bulk of the OS - but I have limited experience of CE, and might be being unfair. There's always Linux, with a home-grown set of tools running under X, and it would be simpler than re-writing EPOC from scratch, but I don't know that the experience would be too amazing. Qtopia didn't impress me over-much, I'm afraid.
NO, different resolution isn't an issue and it has never been the real issue when trying to run a program on plain CE that was made for a ppc. the issue is some ppc specific stupid libraries and functions not available out of the box on CE. already partially solved and see what microsoft did for more compatibility when they just spent a little time on this creating an extra lib for ce - been a great help. (sorry for the rant on this, visit hpcfactor.com and you'll see what i mean

My apologies. I was talking mainly about EPOC applications, which I strongly doubt would cope well with a change in resolution (again, I may be unfair). WinCE has had to deal with unusual screen sizes for a while (although clamshells less recently), and may well be better. Never underestimate how much someone can mess up an application simply by not testing it on something unusual, though.
Interesting web site, btw - thanks for the link.
both pc and pda versions - i want a clamshell that can go to tablet mode, you can then have everything in one!
Yes... except that I'm not sure you can keep the stability of the 5mx's hinge arrangement. If it can be done, it's obviously a bonus.
i'd make screen 800x480 at least or better yet 1024x480, if some important xp programs need more than 480 in height (none of mine do) then either you go an insane dpi (1280x600 or whatever) or you'll need to redesign screen and entire case
It's mostly dialogue boxes, as evidenced in the Vaio review. Alas, Acrobat probably counts as a common app. There's a big usability difference as the height scales up (even for those who know to put the task bar on the side). I believe the latest guide lines are to make sure that 800x600 works, but assume at least XGA.
you can't have a 7.2" screen or the whole thing will be too big otherwise.
It looked to me as though the U105's 7.2" screen would add 0.2" to the width of the device compared with the suggested size. Plus, admittedly, the frame size - which might rule it out. Failing that, there's always the UX180P's 1024x600 version, but I figured that something that works okay with all XP apps was better than a borderline case - but people with more experience of getting the extra 0.2" in their pocket may feel otherwise. I'll have another look and see how much slack this screen actually needs.
it should stay slim as well, yeah, 1" or so.. the sigmarion 3 has a nice slim design, only 21 mm, less than 1", and it does have a plain cylindrical li-ion battery without ruining the design!
check out sig3 for more details, its size is nice, larger than an 5mx, but much slimmer and that makes a big difference.
Interesting bit of kit, especially since I've not seen a CE clamshell for a while. Slimness does make a huge difference, within limits.
hmm maybe overall i'd agree with fluppeteer on the ux180 idea (screen small enough which makes the whole device small enough too), just give it a better keyboard and somewhat better battery and cheap extra batteries.... yes it's the way to go then. don't forget it keep the nice design 😉 i'm soo vain!
Glad we agree on something!
some more details though, i'd want solid state, not a hdd, did you see the comparison video between the sony ux'es, the one with a ssd (or cf, i dont care which) booted up much much faster than the hdd one. it is a hilarious video but i forgot where i saw it. also it is much less power consumption and they are getting cheap enough now. i'd want 16GB as a start but make it upgradeable.
Really? The last set of prices I saw, it doubled the price (for, admittedly, 32GB). If it's cheap enough then it's obviously better, if only for ruggedness. I'm assuming that the old issues with repeatedly writing to solid state storage (this device WILL swap) have gone...
ram, 512mb is really more than enough unless you want serious gaming or photoshop, neither of which you're going to be able to do on this system anyway. solder it, you need to save as much space as possible.
Absolutely. 1GB is a luxury if cheap and small enough, but 512 is probably fine. The only reason I'd consider more is the amount I had to put in this PC to make Notes responsive.
the battery, it has to be a lithium-polymer as that can store more energy in the same space as li-ion (iiirc).. and you can even shape it as you'd like. ok, i did refer to sig3 earlier as having a slim design and a cylindrical li-ion, so this is mainly about having as much energy stored in the same space as possible.
I thought they were actually similar in charge density, and it was mostly the shaping that was the issue? I can't remember whether Ericsson had a patent... The battery from the P990 is scarily small. So long as nobody starts mentioning fuel cells, and whatever we go with is affordable.
as the x86 cpu would want 5 watts (less if underclocked? lets say 4 watts) you need a biiig battery 🙁 5 watts is a LOT for such a system.
True, although the UX180P copes.
the display can be made less power hungry (someone even mentioned oled), the hdd can be left out, you don't need a gpu/serious video chip, i dont have one even on my xp pc, but the cpu will be a pita.
for actual numbers, lets take the jornada 720, its li-ion battery can store about 18-19 Wh (when recelled with the best available cells), and it isn't big, so i think we could have 20+ Wh. this is nice but take 5 watts into account and see why an x86 cpu is such a pita. an arm cpu needs less than 0.5 watts... but we *need* x86 obviously.
Sad, but true. I'm not sure that anyone's offering a suitable display, though (which is why I jumped on the Toshiba one) - something a similar size but transflective would help a lot, obviously. The Tosh screen is at least LED backlit.
one last thing, about the software. give it some specific software that make the thing more usable out of the box. downsize xp, to some lite edition, so that it runs faster and more efficient, less battery consuming. tablet edition would be good for the touch screen. btw what is xp embedded like? i don't know much about it... could it be any good?
I'm inclined to go with the full XP, just because people will complain if they don't have it. Offering some "PDA" apps and providing one of the shareware apps that strips the junk out of XP would be welcome. The problem with cutting stuff out is that you always end up cutting out the thing you need...
one more thing.. tell people not to use that crap outlook

Or Notes.
thats about it for now.. hope i gave some ideas from my different viewpoint.
I wasn't expecting someone so keen on CE to want this; equally, I was expecting most people who'd like a "new 5mx" to want to avoid CE. Maybe I've been in too many flame wars. Thanks for the insight from someone who at least knows the CE market (which I don't)!