help my laptop

Aug 31, 2018
so ever single time i go into a game i get 10 fps i usually got 150 or more i tried ddu and restarting and i tried deleting drivers nothing works it says Nvidia graphics driver not comptible with this version of windows

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, 2801 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
gtx 1050 ti
windows 10 home
Alienware 17 r4

does that mean i haft to delete the windows drivers and can i get the dell drivers link

Yes, first get the drivers from Dell support site (you can look there based on your laptop model and OS version), then uninstall the existing drivers, and run DDU to really wipe them, reboot and install the ones from Dell.

which one do i download

i trried but doesnt work pls contact me on discord im losing hope
Question from davie.freire2007 : "help my laptop"

i already tried to but doesnt work but i did get to download graphics driver but still couldnt download it
Question from davie.freire2007 : "help my laptop"

Question from davie.freire2007 : "windows update and graphics"

i cant install nvidida drivers i recently uninstalled my other ones because i was getting 10 fps but now it wont let me install it i tried getting new dell drivers but stil didnt work and i have a alienware laptop

Then check with Dell support. What exactly happens when you run the driver setup?

how do i do that