Question Help needed - Macintosh HD partition inaccessible after resizing Bootcamp partition


Nov 1, 2021
Hello everyone,

Recently, I decided to do a clean install on my MacBook Pro. To preserve my system, I cloned everything (macOS + Bootcamp Windows) onto an external hard drive. Using this external drive, I was able to boot directly into my old system and access all of my files without any problem. The drive had two partitions: Macintosh HD and Bootcamp Windows.

Yesterday, I found myself in need of additional space. I decided to reduce the size of the Bootcamp partition and created a new partition equal in size to the reduced amount. I did all of this under Windows because it was impossible to do it with the macOS disk utility.

However, I have now encountered a problem. The Macintosh HD partition has become inaccessible. I cannot read it or see it. While it is visible on the macOS disk utility, it's impossible to mount. I'm at a loss on what to do next. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Well, I figured it out.

When I resized my Bootcamp partition, I used EaseUS utility. Turned out this soft changed my APFS partition type.

I used GPT DISK (gdisk) to repair this and everything is on place, with no harm to the data.

How I repaired this?

I booted to Windows on bootcamp, downloaded gdisk for windows, opened cmd as the administrator, opened the directory of downloaded gdisk and then the following list of commands inside of this program (each confirmed with enter key):
  1. gdisk64 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 ->this opens the gdisk program (Attention, my external HDD was physicaldrive1, yours can be physicaldrive0
  2. t
  3. 2 -> that is the number of your MacOS partition, in my case it is 2
  4. af0a -> hex code for the GUID APFS format
  5. w -> write
  6. y -> confirm

I hope I was able to help someone else by posting this answer.