Help..Optical sound to HDMI?


Nov 1, 2016
Hello everyone!, new to the forum I just recently bought a Bose cinemate 15 soundbar and was wondering being that it only has optical connections is there a converter I can buy that will turn that optical sound to HDMI???, thanks a bunch!.
Search for "hdmi optical splitter" and you'll see a bunch of options. Here's one example:

They're basically a little box with an HDMI input, and then an HDMI output that just carries the video signal, along with an optical (and usually analog as well) audio out. The main sticking point is what version of Dolby they'll support, and needing to be powered.

Oh boy..ok thank you so much...

That converter will not work if you wanted to use ARC from your TV to the soundbar. If you only have one source and it is external to the TV it will work fine.
This one does work with ARC so will function for all the internal and external sources the TV will output.
The soundbar has to be connected to the HDMI input labeled ARC and ARC has to be turned on in the TV. On some TVs you have to turn the internal speakers off as well.

Wow thank you so much for telling me before I bought it!!, phew. I currently have a samsung un65js9000, the soundbar I bought is a Bose cinemate 15 which like I stated has optical only, so what exactly do I have to do again? and I should be fine converting the optical sound to hdmi right with the one you told me would work??.
What components are you trying to connect exactly? I assumed you had an external source with HDMI only, and needed to connect it to your soundbar with Optical only. But if you're trying to connect that soundbar to your TV, the Samsung does have an Optical out according to the manufacturer. If that's what you're trying to do, you can just connect your source to the TV via HDMI, and then your TV to the soundbar via the Optical cable. Then you'd just need to go through your TV's settings to enable the Optical out, and possibly mute the built-in speakers.

I just wanted to see if there was a way to have the optical sound the Bose outputs converted to HDMI sound, I just wish the Bose cinemate 15 soundbar had an HDMI port for sound so that's why I wanted to know if there was away to convert that for better sound quality.
Ok, I think I get it now. You're saying outputs when you meant inputs. The Bose does not have any outputs, HDMI or Optical or otherwise. You're talking about trying to get high definition HDMI sound input into the Bose. And no, if it doesn't have an HDMI port, it isn't possible. The Optical standard does not support the higher definition sound formats, and the Bose only has an Optical input.