Help with evening out the sound


Feb 9, 2010
I have a 5.1 sound system and I need a little help. For example, when watching a war movie, I have to turn the volume up when there is conversation taking place because I can balrey hear them speaking. However, when a war scene or action scene start the volume of the movie goes way high and hurts the ears almost. is there a setting that I can adjust that can help me with this problem. I am to busy turning up and down the volume accordingly when something is going on in the movie to actual enjoy the flick. any suggestions?
use our soundcard, and enable loudness equalization

and about the hearing, i think the dialogue gets drowned out cos of the processing of the audio. i think u may have to enable 5.1 properly, and enable dolby digital.
1) You have a really reflective room
2) Your speakers have poor dispersion (possible remedy put tweeters at ear level and sit directly facing speakers).
3) Your speakers suffer from lobing (bad design--remedy same as above).
4) Ambient volume is too high