Heroic BlackBerry Stops Bullet, Saves Woman

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Absolutely. My example was satirical and was done as such to provide contrast. In other words, it was meant to be silly. Passing laws to punish the law abiding is a losing proposition as criminals don't really care what laws you pass. Aim punishment at the offenders.

The BBC articles I have read on this recently put it at higher than 30% and growing every year for the 7 years. If your policies were working, it would be static or going down. It is not. The fact that there is any growth over time is a policy failure.
I find it hard to believe that a Wiki article is any better.

Premise 1 is incorrect.
States that have introduced concealed carry have seen drops in crime. You can find this on the DOJ site. When Washington DC had a total ban, it had the highest murder rates every single year. You can also find the historical stats for this on the DOJ site.

Premise 2
Blanket statements about a group of people who you don't know personally is bigotry. You don't know me but you are willing to label me as a violent and dangerous person. Really.

It proves we have a crime problem. Your steady increase in gun related crimes over the last 7 years proves that currently, your policy is not working either. Again, punish the offenders.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]We have plumbing supplies, diesel and fertilizer here too.Nope.No pipebomb massacres here.[/citation]
But we do. Using your logic we should ban these as well.
Why is it so offensive to you to propose that laws punish the offender?
A 20% increase AFTER guns are abolished IS NOT STATISTICALLY INSIGNIFICANT! And yes, we have violent people in america. That's why we need guns. Jeezizchrist, why does my freedom make you so personally uncomfortable and angry? The criminals are already banned from owning guns. But that's not good enough for you people. Your own idiotic government bans YOU from having a gun...AND THAT'S STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU. Nothing will quench your rage until you force your stupidity upon americans as well. Actually not even that. Your overlords, in all their infinite wisdom, are banning knives as well.

Don't forget sticks and rocks, oh great and powerful all-knowing masters of the world. I can't wait to see how that works out.

LOL, the arrogance is astonishing.

I really do feel sorry for england. Oh how the mighty have fallen. The elitists of england are skillfully rebuilding england into a nation consisting of a handful of elites, and a swarming hoard of non english immigrants that neither know what it means to be an englishman nor do they have any aspirations to learn. And the power and technology and legal means to ensure the hoards are well cared for and masterfully controlled are rapidly evolving. England is marching briskly off to oblivion.

Things are still in flux here in america...hence the violence. We may follow you to oblivion, or maybe, with a little luck, not. But probably ultimately we will, in a slow meandering way. The slower the better, imo.
By your source or mine, your gun crime is increasing in double digit percentages. Low or not, the results of doing it your way is not giving the outcome you say it does.

I did restrict most of my reading to articles written on your side of the pond.

Why is your way leading to an increase in firearm related crime?
Why do I have be punished for the irresponsible actions of others?
Why can't you just punish criminals?
"Because guns have no other purpose than to shoot."
And that is precisely why I have them.
They protect me and my family.

"Also, criminals dont buy guns, they break into your house and steal the one you bought legitimately."
Where are they coming from in your country.
Here they just smuggle in what they cannot buy or steal.

Why is your crime increasing since you banned guns at all? In my reading, it has been a steady growth over at least the last 7 years. Why?

I did hear something about a proposition to ban knives. So much for steak night.
28 gun crimes committed in UK every day

Gun crime trebles as weapons and drugs flood British cities

However, perhaps most telling is the massive increase in gun violence

That is an increase of 18% in just one year

Gun crime has increased five-fold in some parts of the UK

Metropolitan police figures reveal an increase in gun crime incidents

Gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35 per cent last year

No one measure or agency can combat the increase in gun crimes

I can't seem to reconcile what I read with your you say. See a trend here? Y'all seem to be in sync with what is happening in the rest of the world. Congratulations!

If you are going to blame all these entities of bias, please provide support for your accusations.

I have had a right to own a gun all my life. I have behaved in a responsible fashion all my life. Every 5 years, I pass a federal background check as part of my employment and my right (it is a right) to carry a firearm.

Taking away something I have and enjoy is punishing me when I have done nothing wrong. Punish the criminals... unless you are British.
Nothing vague or altered about the above snippets. Go to the site and do a quoted search. They come right up.

Again, if guns are banned, why is there any increase at all? Why would there be an increase over time? As for the airgun argument, those are considered firearms here. Some of these have a 1000+ fps velocity which puts them right in the same category as a .22 firearm. Why should they not be included?

You still haven't explained why my rights (and they are rights) get taken away because of criminal activity? Don't the British have a concept of personal responsibility or does the government do everything for you?

Maybe I have you all wrong. I get the feeling you have not spent much time over here. All I know about y'all is what I have read and from individuals I have met and worked with. I have yet to meet someone from Britain that had such a venemous attitude towards an issue that is all about personal responsibility and accountability.
It is not Beriut in 1970. Don't be so damned dramatic and you will do just fine. Just like any other city in the world, avoid downtown in the wee hours. Your chances of getting knifed in that scenario is probably about the same as it would be in most urban areas.
My question is what are you going to do when terrorists eventually overrun your country and decide that your wife can no longer show her face in public and that your lack of 5 time a day prayer facing east deserves death. God forbid we bring our guns over there and help out.
BTW Vegas is not terribly far from Mexico the main source of illegal weapons
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