Heroic BlackBerry Stops Bullet, Saves Woman

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[citation][nom]abbadon_34[/nom]TOMS EDITORS: ADD AN EDIT BUTTON!!![/citation]

I love it when people say this...because for most articles there actually has always been an edit button if you know what part of the site to start from.
I carry a loaded handgun almost everywhere I go. Out to dinner with the family, when I go shopping at Wal-Mart, Best-Buy, Statbucks, etc. When I'm just walking down the street. There's no reason to question "why" the man had a gun in the restaurant. It's his right to. 2nd Amendment FTW.
You people will believe anything. A bullet travels at 1500mph(thats a slow one). If it directly hit it would completely shattering the phone passing right through. Most likely the bullet ricocheted hitting something, then passing into the phone at 250-300mph which might be possible to stop with something that size. I wanna see the fact otherwise this is entire BS.
[citation][nom]wotan31[/nom][...] There's no reason to question "why" the man had a gun in the restaurant. [...][/citation]

There's no reason to question anything at all, when you're insane. Sane people consider their actions. This guy is an idiot, and I feel nervous about idiots like him. A lot of people are not smart enough to handle anything that does as easily irrevocable and permanent damage as a handgun, especially at a place and in a situation that doesn't require a deadly weapon at all.
[citation][nom]surfer1337dude[/nom]My questions are: Why did he have it in his coat pocket (I could have sworn concealed fire arms need to be in some kind of holster) and why was the safety off? ....o and did she break up with him?[/citation]
I cant speak for your state, but in most, you can carry however you'd like.
[citation][nom]CHRISTLUBAS[/nom]I highly doubt this story. how did the gun go off????!! it doesn't have a mind of its own, sounds like Hollywood to me! hell even if you drop a gun it wont go off like that![/citation]
Probably a cheap saturday night special. They're universally known to be of the cheapest quality known to man.
[citation][nom]santeana[/nom]OK, so he had a gun in his pocket. I don't agree with it, but a lot of Americans I guess like to keep one on them. MY QUESTION: Why did he keep it in his pocket, loaded, cocked and ready to fire??? I mean was he really expecting to have to shoot someone at the diner?[/citation]
I always keep my weapon loaded, half cocked, and ready at a moments notice. In a situation where you'd need to protect yourself or your family from criminals, they aren't going to say "Time out!" and wait for you to get ready.
[citation][nom]codeman03xx[/nom]You people will believe anything. A bullet travels at 1500mph(thats a slow one). If it directly hit it would completely shattering the phone passing right through. Most likely the bullet ricocheted hitting something, then passing into the phone at 250-300mph which might be possible to stop with something that size. I wanna see the fact otherwise this is entire BS.[/citation]
You're an idiot. A .32 fires at a very low muzzle velocity. Less than the speed of sound, in fact, which is 1125 feet per second, which adds up to 760ish mph. That .32 round was probably traveling at 900fps or less, putting it at about 400ish mph. 1500mph is fast as hell for any round.

Sure, this guy either didn't properly maintain his weapon, or didn't make sure his weapon was safe for carry, but there's no reason to bring into question his right to own or carry this weapon.
[citation][nom]zerapio[/nom]Oh really? Because I just read a story of a freaking blackberry saving a woman's life. Why wouldn't a story of a heroic person saving the day make it to the news? Your argument doesn't hold water.[/citation]This article is the perfect example of my argument. You don't read articles about a man pulling a gun on a burglar coming through a window, laying three rounds in the wall next to them and the burglar deciding now isn't a good time. Or times when some meth heads approach a man and his wife as they enjoy a nice day next to a river pulling a knife for cash and running when the guy pulls his gun. The articles you can't read because nothing of real interest happened so they are never written. They are the stories you will only know about if you talked with cops who filed the reports or the people who were actually in the situation.

You people seem to think every time a gun is drawn or comes into existence that instantly someone is going to get shot. Go back to Hollywood.
@stopposting eh wrong answer. There is infact an artery in the leg if hit/sliced you'll bleed out very quick.

Also seems like people keep bringing up training. Training means nothing when you get complacent with a firearm. That's what happened here. Stupid shit happens when you forget what you're handling. It's been known to happen to cops and soldiers. They should diffently know better.
In many states, it is illegal to carry a firearm into a place that serves alcohol, which includes most restaurants. Not that the location had anything to do with the situation here (unless he was drinking which is plausible). Proper handling and precaution would have avoided this, but I am sure the owner will be in trouble.
One idiot's actions should not be used to address all people. Most accidents occur when somone is handling their firearm casually and handing them in at the coat closet would most likely cause more issues. People carrying firearms need to keep them in their holsters unless there is immediate need. There is a lot of liability in carrying a firearm. No one gets off scott free from anything. Infractions are usually at the federal level and involve very harsh penalties.

This isn't Europe. There are some serious issues with violence here in the US. I will be the first to say that. I am allowed to carry a concealed handgun for my own protection. I practice at least 1-2 times per month (more than most police over here) and I take classes to keep me fresh on the law and on tactics.

Here is a great example of why I don't keep and bear arms only to leave them in my house, car or coat closet. This was the reason Texas started allowing people to carry.


What the article does not mention was that this murder also had cans of gasoline and blasting caps in his truck. If he could not have killed with his firearms, it appeared that he was going to just blow these people up.

No offense taken on this side.

One other thing to keep in mind. A lot of the violence in the US is gang/drug trafficking violence. Folks that can smuggle in a ton of illegal drugs will not have any problem smuggling in a couple hundred pounds of weapons.

There is currently a lot of firearm related violence on the Mexican side of our border. A list of the weapons seized recently included a large percentage of M-16's, M249's and grenades all of current manufacture which are not available to US Citizens. There was even one M2 heavy machine gun. Hard to find one of those outside Afghanistan or Iraq these days. Apparently someone is smuggling military hardware down in to Mexico.

For me, it is like the seatbelt in my car. I use it regularly but hope to never need it.
citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Laws can be changed, spouting the bill of rights is a weak defence for not banning firearms outside a registered gun club. If the original constitution was so infallible from a single page, how come since it was written laws now extend to thousands of books?[/citation]

Saying that the bill of rights is fallible because its old is an informal fallacy and reason to throw out an argument.

The main reason they made the second amendment to the constitution (something i will fight to defend with my life to protect my freedom and those of any who believe different than me) is so that if the Government became too oppressive then the people would always be able to fight back and take back their freedom. The spark that started the fore of the American Revolutionary War was when the British government decided to march to Lexington and Concord and take stores of ammunition and guns.

Trying to take Guns from Americans would only lead to another war it would be the most foolish thing the Government could do
[citation][nom]ereetos[/nom]to get a concealed carry permit generally you need to go through a training course and its also generally illegal to carry a round chambered and ready to fire...wtf was this idiot thinking...[/citation]

illegal to carry a round in the chamber??? really??

You don't know the first thing about guns.
We just see the world from two different cultures. I grew up with firearm ownership and it a part of my country's heritage. On the flip side, historically if the world's citizens did not have firearms, you guys would still probably have all your colonies. ;-)
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