Heroic BlackBerry Stops Bullet, Saves Woman

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Just another reason why its stupid to allow people to carry guns, you dont hear about this stuff happening in other countries where people arent allowed to carry fire arms. Its just retarded and it should have never been put in the constitution.
[citation][nom]maddshadez[/nom]Here's the local article on it,http://www.daytondailynews.com/new [...] 43968.html[/citation]

wow even though i live in the area. i haven't heard about this. must of been to focus on the olympics....
[citation][nom]mpavao81[/nom]Just another reason why its stupid to allow people to carry guns, you dont hear about this stuff happening in other countries where people arent allowed to carry fire arms. Its just retarded and it should have never been put in the constitution.[/citation]
What you don't hear are the hundreds of stories a year where having a gun ready to go saves the lives of the people carrying them and the people around them. You only hear the 50 stories that crop up per year nation wide where something goes wrong. If we were allowed to carry using proper holsters stuff like this would never happen. Instead we are forced to keep the gun holster in a pocket. Jackets and purses are generally the only things you wear that have pockets big enough to carry a normal handgun in a concealed manor. This leads to more accidents since jackets and purses, even when carefully handled, get bumped and flung around.

And those of you comparing the USA to Europe, The United States of America is not made of Europeans and their cultures. We are made of thousands of cultures blending and growing together. Saying the USA should be more like Europe is like saying pineapples should be more like apples.
Why wasn't the gun in a holster of some kind is my question. Even if carrying concealed (which he obviously was) it should be in some kind of protective sheath or holster. That's what helps prevent stuff like this from happening. That way stuff can't pull the slide back, pull the trigger, etc.

Wonder if the girlfriend lets him carry concealed anymore. 😉
[citation][nom]ereetos[/nom]to get a concealed carry permit generally you need to go through a training course and its also generally illegal to carry a round chambered and ready to fire...wtf was this idiot thinking...[/citation]

You're correct that most states/counties require some kind of training program. However, I've never heard of it being illegal to carry a weapon that's loaded and chambered. In fact, being unloaded or un-chambered would defeat the purpose of carrying the weapon in the first place.

[citation][nom]dawgsoverrebs[/nom]I keep seeing comments about "why was the gun loaded and cocked", are you kidding me, what is the point of carrying a concealed weapon that's not loaded. On the other hand why the heck was it in his pocket and not in a holster on his hip holsters are used to prevent this kind of thing from happening. As for the safety being off most hand guns don't have a safety because they are used for protection and need to be pulled at a moments notice hence a retention holster.http://www.nelsontactical.com/prod [...] etail-.jpg[/citation]

I totally agree with most of this, including the holster issue. However, "most" handguns do have kind of safety. There are a few however that don't have a traditional thumb safety (Glock, Springfield XDM, etc).

Being former Law Enforcement from the US, I'll tell you it's normal to carry a loaded weapon.
"life-saving"... "Instead of hitting the woman in the leg"

I'm tired of hearing this crap. Carrying a book could do the same dang thing...

And the guy in Haiti... if he spent ~20 mins of his life to read on medical care he wouldn't need to look up how to save his own life. I know how to make a splint, stop bleeding, apply a tourniquet, seal a chest wound, make a sling... all from reading.
Well this gun was a .32 but they didn't say what kind, so he might be James Bond. Although I doubt it, Bond doesn't miss his mark and his guns don't go off prematurely.

Bond is getting old so going of premature just happens sometime.
[citation][nom]santeana[/nom]What you don't hear are the hundreds of stories a year where having a gun ready to go saves the lives of the people carrying them and the people around them. You only hear the 50 stories that crop up per year nation wide where something goes wrong.[/citation]
Oh really? Because I just read a story of a freaking blackberry saving a woman's life. Why wouldn't a story of a heroic person saving the day make it to the news? Your argument doesn't hold water.
[citation][nom]maddshadez[/nom]It happened nearby my place, the gun owner was the boyfriend.[/citation]If that's the case, then he's just locked himself into a long term relationship. If he doesn't marry her, she'll definitely sue his ass.
[citation][nom]ereetos[/nom]to get a concealed carry permit generally you need to go through a training course and its also generally illegal to carry a round chambered and ready to fire...wtf was this idiot thinking...[/citation]

Not sure where you are from, but I have not seen a single state where it is illegal to carry a round in the chamber of your concealed firearm. The training course that most states require is a 1-2 day class on the law with not much time spend on actual firearm handling. And what is the point of carrying an unloaded firearm? The idiot part is that he was not using a proper holster.
[citation][nom]Volks1470[/nom]hmm...i'm surprised nobody mentioned the fact the bullet could have been hollow-points. Disintegrates on impact.[/citation]
That is not correct. Hollowpoints are designed to expand and will not disintegrate on impate unless they are hitting something like steel plate. A .22 hollowpoint fired handgun will penetrate 2 three inch thick phone books without any trouble at all.
[citation][nom]mpavao81[/nom]Just another reason why its stupid to allow people to carry guns, you dont hear about this stuff happening in other countries where people arent allowed to carry fire arms. Its just retarded and it should have never been put in the constitution.[/citation]
In other countries you get to hear about people getting killed by criminals with a multitude of different methods include guns. Criminals don't seem to care if it is illegal to have a firearm.
[citation][nom]cj_online[/nom]lol the US has fked up rules... how is a man allowed to carry around a loaded pistol ?[/citation]
Because if my life is on the line, I'm betting the other guy is not going to let me dial 911. I'm also betting that I need help faster than the 5-10 minutes it will take for the police to get to me. Texas alone has almost 300,000 permits out and there are very very few accidents. In fact, the statistics is that there is less crime committed by permit holders than by police officers.
[citation][nom]zerapio[/nom]Oh really? Because I just read a story of a freaking blackberry saving a woman's life. Why wouldn't a story of a heroic person saving the day make it to the news? Your argument doesn't hold water.[/citation]
The news is just another business. They tend to cover what sell papers, air time and clicks. Nothing extraordinary in my part of the world about someone defending themselves successfully... but if you can get an exclusive on some washed up actress that had an affair with her dad as a minor... it is front page everywhere.

Don't kid yourself. News entities are a for profit enterprise and have very little interest in the unbiased presentation of facts.
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