[citation][nom]ereetos[/nom]to get a concealed carry permit generally you need to go through a training course and its also generally illegal to carry a round chambered and ready to fire...wtf was this idiot thinking...[/citation]
You're correct that most states/counties require some kind of training program. However, I've never heard of it being illegal to carry a weapon that's loaded and chambered. In fact, being unloaded or un-chambered would defeat the purpose of carrying the weapon in the first place.
[citation][nom]dawgsoverrebs[/nom]I keep seeing comments about "why was the gun loaded and cocked", are you kidding me, what is the point of carrying a concealed weapon that's not loaded. On the other hand why the heck was it in his pocket and not in a holster on his hip holsters are used to prevent this kind of thing from happening. As for the safety being off most hand guns don't have a safety because they are used for protection and need to be pulled at a moments notice hence a retention holster.http

/www.nelsontactical.com/prod [...] etail-.jpg[/citation]
I totally agree with most of this, including the holster issue. However, "most" handguns do have kind of safety. There are a few however that don't have a traditional thumb safety (Glock, Springfield XDM, etc).
Being former Law Enforcement from the US, I'll tell you it's normal to carry a loaded weapon.