Heroic BlackBerry Stops Bullet, Saves Woman

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[citation][nom]djackson_dba[/nom]back_by_demandWe just see the world from two different cultures. I grew up with firearm ownership and it a part of my country's heritage. On the flip side, historically if the world's citizens did not have firearms, you guys would still probably have all your colonies. ;-)[/citation]


So that's why the europeans are all so anti gun! They got a chip on their shoulder still from us lowly colonists kickn their a$$!
Your country, much like ours and every other one out there, will act in its own interests and sometimes in direct conflict with closest allies. That is a fact of the world and it is not just us. It is presumptious of you to speak on behalf of the world, by the way. Oh, well. It contributes just as much as your previous posts. Throw all the insults you likes. I will not lose any sleep over your opinion.
No, the REAL question is why he did not have the safety on while the gun was in his pocket?

I carry a 45 ACP, sometimes in a holster, sometimes in my coat pocket and sometimes in a belly hoslter--always with the safties ON. Being that its a 1911 based pistol it has two safeties, one on the slide and then the grip safety.
[citation][nom]sagansrun[/nom]No, the REAL question is why he did not have the safety on while the gun was in his pocket?I carry a 45 ACP, sometimes in a holster, sometimes in my coat pocket and sometimes in a belly hoslter--always with the safties ON. Being that its a 1911 based pistol it has two safeties, one on the slide and then the grip safety.[/citation]

Holster holster holster the slide is what caused this gun to go off a safety prob wouldn't have stopped it always use a holster
Interesting and sad viewpoints about wars...

Your disrespect for the 116,000+ US servicemen that died during the first one is appalling.

In the beginning, we provided most of your supplies in the second one and also the lost lives of 100,000 more casualties than your county experienced. Your civilian casualty rate was high, but that is due to proximity. If the region had been vigilante and quicker to respond, that whole mess might have been nipped in the bud. Being pacifist really worked out great for y'all. You had intelligence that there was a military buildup and did nothing. Worked out great.

Your skedwed knowledge of history is only equaled by the venom you spew to those that do not share your opinion which by the way is molded only by the stories you hear on the nightly news and your own cultural norms.

And for the record, don't expect our Second Amendment to get overturned any time soon. A Democratic majority tried that in 1994 and it cost them control of the government. You will notice that there is no current repeat of that now that Democrats have control again.

Our country is different than your country. It is an entirely different culture with different values. Hating us for that difference does little to bolster your position.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Interesting viewpoint about world warsYou missed the first one, were late for the secondSo to make up for it you've been trying to start the third ever sinceIf there's one thing I really should learn not to do is debate the issue of giving a civilian population guns with anyone who is american, because they view any objection as un-American.Oh, and before you spout all that bullshit about being able, (or obligated), to overthrown an oppressive government, why the fuck didn't you take down Dubya? That idiot needed overthrowing.[/citation]

It is not the job of Americans to come to the rescue of every oppressed people if that same oppressive government threatens our people that is when we should act.

"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot".-- Mark Twain

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials." George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot

In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object envinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
[citation][nom]djackson_dba[/nom]Interesting and sad viewpoints about wars...Your disrespect for the 116,000+ US servicemen that died during the first one is appalling.In the beginning, we provided most of your supplies in the second one and also the lost lives of 100,000 more casualties than your county experienced.

Being pacifist really worked out great for y'all. You had intelligence that there was a military buildup and did nothing.[/citation]

Please shut the fuck up before you make ALL Americans look as retarded as you.

Look up Battle of Somme, sorry but 100,000 is nothing compared to that battle ALONE. And it was the USA that was pacifist, since I actually payed the fuck attention in history class, it the was the brits that was building their forces up. While the USA was like no, we don't want to get involved in "European" matters.

Think before getting owned, if thinking is even possible for you.
[citation][nom]dawgsoverrebs[/nom]citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Trying to take Guns from Americans would only lead to another war it would be the most foolish thing the Government could do[/citation]

I'm sorry but you just fucking retarded. Your pitiful M-16 will not help against a B-2 bomber, or even a main battle tank used in any army today.

The government would easily win.
[citation][nom]kami3k[/nom]I'm sorry but you just fucking retarded. Your pitiful M-16 will not help against a B-2 bomber, or even a main battle tank used in any army today.The government would easily win.[/citation]

Name calling doesn't make you smart.
You would have to find someone to fly those B2's, man those tanks and be ready to murder their countrymen.

Good luck with that.

I guess you could look at the modern examples of warfare. Taking and holding a country is damned hard even with the best technology.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Ignore him, just let him sit around masturbating to guns & ammo, fuckin retard[/citation]
Amazing that this is the best you can come up with. You don't seem to know much about the US. You don't seem to know much about your own history. You don't seem to be able to provide a supporting argument for any of your opinions. Damned shame really.
[citation][nom]kami3k[/nom]Please shut the fuck up before you make ALL Americans look as retarded as you.Look up Battle of Somme, sorry but 100,000 is nothing compared to that battle ALONE. And it was the USA that was pacifist, since I actually payed the fuck attention in history class, it the was the brits that was building their forces up. While the USA was like no, we don't want to get involved in "European" matters. Think before getting owned, if thinking is even possible for you.[/citation]

WW2 Casualties

UK 382,700

US 416,800

If you paid attention, you would know that the Germans did not build their forces overnight. They were doing it for years that France and Britain both knew about. They knew about naval and aviation buildups. They knew that German pilots were participating in Spain in mid July 1937. The Brits did a great job of building up their armed forces. Oh wait... why was it that we sent all that damned equipment? LOL! Must have been because the Brits had too much.
"unfortunately intelligent remarks are just met with "America, Fuck Yeah!!!"

All I did was add my opinion and what I know of actual history.
This was your contribution
"Ignore him, just let him sit around masturbating to guns & ammo, fuckin retard"
Nice. I have been civil through this entire conversation. I did take a historical jab at you and included an indicator to emphasize the satirical nature of my post. I get to have a gun. I get to carry a gun with me everywhere I go. Doesn't bother me a bit. Seems to bother you a lot and I am not certain why? Your hatred seems to be focused in a direction and probably does not have anything to do with the specific topic. There may come a time when just shouting insults becomes a valid way to make a point. That will be a sad time for all of us.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]I know all about history, unfortunately intelligent remarks are just met with "America, Fuck Yeah!!!" from all the fucking guns and ammo retards. This all started with me saying that you should try to remove guns from society and maybe you wouldn't have such a violent attitude to life. I couldn't give a fuck about the Americans who dies in WW1 or WW2, in both wars you didn't jump in because you were aiding a friend nation, you jumped in because of your own selfish interests. For example in WW2 we were getting the fuck kicked out of us until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. As far as since WW2 you have started every war you have been involved in and not done a good job in any of them.By all means, pat yourselves on the back and mark me down -1000, but I will sleep like a baby knowing that our "friend" America is just like the drunk obnoxious loud asshole friend we tolerate rather than like and America, generally, even though you are so proud that you routed the British and formed a nation, you fucking love our asses.[/citation]

I have Been equally Civil not even one curse word and in fact my quotes from some of the greatest Americans that ever lived seem to be what hurts the most not to mention i backed up my opinions from the Declaration of Independence written by in my opinion the greatest people to ever walk the face of the earth. Much smarter than anyone who is alive today and that includes me and definitely you. Just the fact that you would attack men who gave their lives fighting to keep the freedom of people like you is repulsive.
They gave their lives for their country and yours so you would have the right to do what you see fit. You think it should have come with a laundry list of attached strings?

The did not limit what we could use to protect ourselves and our homes. Again, freedom to chose. We have chosen to limit this ourselve somewhat, but it was not a condition put down by our founding fathers.

Great congratulations on fighting with weapons we loaned you. We certainly did not chose to put Britain so close to Germany. Seems silly for us to apologize for all the bombing. You and the rest of Europe sat back while they built out the Luftwaffe and trained them in Spain. Makes it hard to complain that they used it on you later.

You were not destroyed and unlike you, I will not belittle those who died by pushing my interpretation of history for my own little agenda.

The fact stands that Americans get to have guns and in the majority of states, we get to carry them as protection. The bottom line is we like our country and don't want to be just like you. The longer this converstation goes on, the more grateful that I have met some of your countrymen face to face on this side of the pond and to a T, they have been intelligent, well spoken, considerate and upstanding. It would be sad if my only contact with people from your country was based on your ill-mannered rants.
Again, I doubt we could do much about your proximity to Germany, the quality of the Luftwaffe after getting to hone their skills before the war or the decision of both sides to start bombing cities. Both sides did it. If I remember correctly, the Allies did it because the Germans and Japanese incorporated cottage industries spread throughout their cities. Hard to bomb just the industrial centers when they are smack dab in the middle of downtown. Germans bombed cities in retaliation and in an attempt to break the will of the British people.

I have a great respect for those both military and civilian that perished in that conflict. Lot of these were folks that were pitching in for the sole reason of contributing to their countries. Lot to be said for that. We are here with what we have because of those folks.

My opinion is that violence today has little to do with the availability of weapons. It has to do with religious/political extremism and gang related drug violence. For the latter, I have stated earlier and I stand by it. If you cannot keep people from smuggling in tons of narcotics, you cannot keep them from smuggling in guns. South of the US/Mexico border, the homocide rates are unbelievable. Recently captured caches of firearms included a lot of current manufacture M16's, M249's, one Browning M2 .50 caliber machine gun and lots of grenades. These did not come from Mexican or American citizens. They are military only weapons brought in from outside either country. Another example would be what I have read about the IRA in your own back yard. You can only have a firearm and go to a gun club with it... but extremists in your country seemed to have no trouble at all procuring machine guns and explosives.

[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Actually yes, drug dealers and gangs exist in the UK as well and the fact we have systematically been removing guns from the population for the last 14 years means that most gang crime is now knives, beatings or setting fire to people. Gun crime still exists but things like this take decades and in the meantime we haven't had any highschool massacres.As far as terrorists go, when was the last time a terrorist used a gun to get their point across, they tend to blow up bombs on public transport or high value buildings in the financial district.Guns in a population are not required.[/citation]

PRECISELY! So why take guns away from the people that didn't do it? DUH! Especially when the people that did do it, didn't even do it with guns. Jeeziz, you anti gun nuts are all alike.
"Guns in a population are not required."

Your opinion and you are entitled to it. We have a different culture and set of opinions over here. It is a shame you cannot respect that. If your trends are like ours and I'm betting they are, gang crime and violence is getting worse and not better. If that is true then it is a matter of time before knives and fights are no longer enough.

School violence is also an issue over here. In many of these cases the guns are accompanied by pipe bomb equipment. If guns are not available I am certain there will be no shortage of massacres. Given your logic, we should ban plumbing supplies as well. We also had some nutcase blow up a federal building using diesel and fertalizer. Should we ban farm supplies and truck fuel? Where does all that end?

The solution is finding the root causes of violence and dealing with those. Folks on your side of the world may be content with knives and beatings, but it is not the same over here. My guns have a specific purpose... protecting me and my family. They are inanimate tools. They are not good or evil.

On another note, I did some reading based on a search of "surge in UK gun violence". There were a lot of articles that seem to contradict the gunless utopia you have been describing. There seem to be many articles that state that gun violence is on the rise in the UK along with a rise in violent drug crime. That is what I would expect. People are predisposed to looking for better tools to do their work. Criminials included. Criminals also don't really care that you have laws against the things they do or want. That is what makes them criminals. Taking things away from folks that obey the law really doesn't help.

Again, I certainly think you are entitled to your opinion and you and your countrymen are free to do what you like with your laws. The difference between us is that I am not going to call you a retard for these things.
By all means. Punish everyone for the irresponsible actions of a few.
Hand in your car keys because of drunk drivers.
Ban all fried foods because some people overindulge.
Hand over your computer because some use it for illegal means.
That may be okay in your country, but it sure isn't okay in mine.
It is an opinion issue. Currently, there is very little gun crime in your country, but it is increasing every year from what I read. Sounds like your policies are working great.
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