Heroic BlackBerry Stops Bullet, Saves Woman

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My questions are: Why did he have it in his coat pocket (I could have sworn concealed fire arms need to be in some kind of holster) and why was the safety off? ....o and did she break up with him?
Didn't you guys see that recentish Tomshardware chip "shoot out"

You'd be surprised at what bullets those chips stopped! LOL
I highly doubt this story. how did the gun go off????!! it doesn't have a mind of its own, sounds like Hollywood to me! hell even if you drop a gun it wont go off like that!
[citation][nom]abbadon_34[/nom]My question: Why did he have a worthless 22 incapable of piercing even a blackberry?[/citation]

...Maybe he's James Bond.
I don't see how this could be even be possible considering the fact it takes alot of force to pull the trigger.

He would have felt something "tugging" while putting on his coat and realized something isn't right.

Biggest thing is why isn't the safety enabled and not in the hostler?

Things don't add up.
[citation][nom]trevorvdw[/nom]Fail. Bond uses a .32 Walther PPK[/citation]
Well this gun was a .32 but they didn't say what kind, so he might be James Bond. Although I doubt it, Bond doesn't miss his mark and his guns don't go off prematurely.
OK, so he had a gun in his pocket. I don't agree with it, but a lot of Americans I guess like to keep one on them. MY QUESTION: Why did he keep it in his pocket, loaded, cocked and ready to fire??? I mean was he really expecting to have to shoot someone at the diner?
[citation][nom]santeana[/nom]OK, so he had a gun in his pocket. I don't agree with it, but a lot of Americans I guess like to keep one on them. MY QUESTION: Why did he keep it in his pocket, loaded, cocked and ready to fire??? I mean was he really expecting to have to shoot someone at the diner?[/citation]

exactly my point too.... sometimes this "self protection" crap gets too thin with some whackos
to get a concealed carry permit generally you need to go through a training course and its also generally illegal to carry a round chambered and ready to fire...

wtf was this idiot thinking...
[citation][nom]santeana[/nom]OK, so he had a gun in his pocket. I don't agree with it, but a lot of Americans I guess like to keep one on them. MY QUESTION: Why did he keep it in his pocket, loaded, cocked and ready to fire??? I mean was he really expecting to have to shoot someone at the diner?[/citation]

I keep seeing comments about "why was the gun loaded and cocked", are you kidding me, what is the point of carrying a concealed weapon that's not loaded. On the other hand why the heck was it in his pocket and not in a holster on his hip holsters are used to prevent this kind of thing from happening. As for the safety being off most hand guns don't have a safety because they are used for protection and need to be pulled at a moments notice hence a retention holster.

[citation][nom]Lunarion[/nom]I call mythbusters for this, unless it was a .22, most bullets will go straight through a cell phone[/citation]
I saw an episode of Mythbusters and they tested this myth... and it was pretty obvious that pretty much any caliber weapon penetrated straight through or shattered and went through to penetrate the ballistics gel torso, as they tested it.
[citation][nom]Lunarion[/nom]I call mythbusters for this, unless it was a .22, most bullets will go straight through a cell phone[/citation]
Remember it has to go through the man's coat and gun holster, most gun holsters are made sturdy for just this reason. Also it isn't uncommon to keep a gun cocked and holstered. If you are getting mugged what use is an un-cocked gun? The issue probably was a mixture of things, ranging from an unclean gun, broken safety, unfamiliar holster and poor judgement.
[citation][nom]Lunarion[/nom]I call mythbusters for this, unless it was a .22, most bullets will go straight through a cell phone[/citation]

As someone has already said,

it isn't the straight through scenario that's important, as statistically, the phone is unlikely to be perpendicular to the bullet's direction.

It will be a deflection;

a hipflask would have probably done the same thing.
[citation][nom]Lunarion[/nom]I call mythbusters for this, unless it was a .22, most bullets will go straight through a cell phone[/citation]
You're right, but I think it was a number of factors - the angle of the bullet's trajectory, the angle of the blackberry in her pocket, etc. Now, if her leg moved back and to the left, we know that the gun was pointed at her from in front and to her right... Seriously though, this is pure coincidence and luck, nothing more.
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