Hi,I have a Toshiba Satellite C670 (PSC3LC-01D00Q), and i have tried all of the above methods, either they didn't work, or i c


Mar 16, 2017
Hi,I have a Toshiba Satellite C670 (PSC3LC-01D00Q), and i have tried all of the above methods, either they didn't work, or i could not find the file location where they were supposed to be. my laptop is doing something very strange, the spacebar, tab, and shift, also the keys, 1, 2, 3, and 4 will not work unless i hold fn then hit them, also the symbles attached to numbers 1 to 4 i can not get them to work, unless i hit the combinantion of shift/f/nnumber. and none of my f1 through f12 will work now either, only on startup to get into BIOS, and that was no help either. Delete will not work to. please, need some help, i have dug very deep into my computer system and have found nothing that fixed it. any suggestions are welcome!
Ok. good news, i have fixed the problem! finally, my driver was corrupted, so i uninstalled what is called the synaptics pointing device driver, and the reinstalled it, after it was finished installing, it worked, and has been working since yesterday when i fixed it! hope that helps any one with the same problem.
sounds like a malfunctioning keyboard, is it a old laptop? if still under warranty, i would apply for that

if out of warranty, a keyboard can die and fail like this but is wiser to try to check if iti is a software doing that wrid behavior, do you have a linux media to boot to see if under linux it shows the same symptomps?

Thank you so much atljsf! My key board was malfunctioning. Turns out I had damaged the ribbon cable for the key board last time i opened my laptop up to fix the screen. I just pulled out the cable and it took me quite a few tried to put it back in right. But it works now. Although due to he damage I caused I will have to replace it in the future. Thanks again, and hope this help others as well
The fix lasted for about two startups, and then it went back to what it was doing before...and a correction, the delete button does work, my aupolagies. I ordered a new key board and installed it, it worked for the first start up, but the next is was back to its previous problem. so i am convinced it is not the keyboard itself but an internal perhaps settings problem, that i just can not find. Would greatly appreciate any input and how tos to get to all keyboard settings incase i missed it.
Ok. good news, i have fixed the problem! finally, my driver was corrupted, so i uninstalled what is called the synaptics pointing device driver, and the reinstalled it, after it was finished installing, it worked, and has been working since yesterday when i fixed it! hope that helps any one with the same problem.