Horrid sound problem with a supremefx card??


Mar 15, 2008
I have a striker II formula mother board that came with a supremeFX sound card.

I'm running a q9650 with two 8800GTX's.

I've had no sound problems witht the following games, World in Conflict, COD 4, Orange box, company of heros, Bioshock.....

However with the Crysis demo and the demo for spore, I keep getting the most horrid sound bug, it sounds like the sound in the game is tearing appart, sort of like when you ran your fingernails down the balckboard in school, I've treid every thing I can think of to sort this problem out, I turnd down the audio sound acceleration to the second lowest lever and it has improved it but I still get the bug, maybe once in every 20 mins of play.

The drivers i'm using for the supremefx are the lates ones from the ASUS web site, but they are from January..........

I'm thinking of getting a new sound card or a USB speaker system......

Any ideas or help would be fantastic, Thank you.