How am I still able to play?


Feb 6, 2015
I lost my computer In a flooding tragedy and I played ts3 on it. I used the disc and had origin downloaded and all that. I am going to purchase a laptop soon, but to test I wanted to see if I could run ts3 on my moms laptop without the disc or code. Somehow, it worked. I'm surprised because originally I did not buy the downloaded version from origin, I bought the disk. So I thought It wouldn't work because I didn't have the disk. I know this seems like a good thing, but I just want to know why because I am worried that it could result in unsaved games. Any help?
PS- when I downloaded origin on my mom's computer and logged in, my Sims 3 game was still in my game library. So like I said, I did not need my original product code at all.
Im not really sure but im pretty sure once you get a game and save it on origin it will log your progress from there. If you can get into your origin account you should be able to re download and save your games directly to there. I had to reinstall windows and I just logged into origin and was able to re download my games and play from where I left off. Hope this helped. :)
Im not really sure but im pretty sure once you get a game and save it on origin it will log your progress from there. If you can get into your origin account you should be able to re download and save your games directly to there. I had to reinstall windows and I just logged into origin and was able to re download my games and play from where I left off. Hope this helped. :)