Avoiding the wifi aspect, you can either wire the room for ethernet (for example, my modem/router is in my basement and feeds ethernet cabling to most of the rooms - with a wifi repeater upstairs, which is irrelevant for your use), or, if you're not currently wired for ethernet throughout the house, you could use Powerline adapters.
Essentially, powerline uses your existing electrical wiring in the house to transmit a signal.
Ethernet runs from your router/modem to the powerline adapter in a socket, and another adapter can receive it and run an ethernet cable from that outlet to your laptop. Powerline adapters usually come in packs of two, but sometimes more.
The only real requirement for powerline is that each room you want to have ethernet in must be on the same electrical circuit.
Powerline is not as fast as hardwiring ethernet, but it's pretty 'plug & play' (assuming you're on the same circuit)