Question How can I connect my new Onkyo 6 Disc CD changer to my 4k HDTV ?

Jul 26, 2019
One more thing I also have a soundbar, 2 sattelite speakers and a sub-woofer also connected on my tv. The Onkyo changer doesn't have an HDMI port on the back, I tried hooking the changer up with the RCA cables to both my tv and the soundbar, but this doesn't work, because my tv doesn't recognize the changer is hooked up. Short of buying a stereo receiver
One more thing I also have a soundbar, 2 satellite speakers and a sub-woofer also connected on my tv. The Onkyo changer doesn't have an HDMI port on the back, I tried hooking the changer up with the RCA cables to both my tv and the soundbar, but this doesn't work, because my tv doesn't recognize the changer is hooked up. Short of buying a stereo receiver and more speakers, what can I do?
I connected the two RCA plugs to both the soundbar and then to the RCA connection on the back of my TV, neither worked, no sound at all with the cd playing!
I'm going to order this and hopefully, it will solve my problem, plug the RCA 's into the extractor and plug the other ends into the CD player, HDMI cable into the extractor then to an available HDMI port on the TV.
The above-mentioned HDMI extractor did not work, I chatted online with one of the tech people from Onkyo in N.J. and he says the only way to get the changer to work is to hook it up to a receiver or amplifier, but he wasn't sure if this set-up would work with my soundbar 5.1 system.
I would think in this high-tech time someone would have a go around or device, but then again, maybe not?