How can I stream games from my PC to my laptop and play them?


Nov 9, 2013
I want to stream games from my huge desktop gaming PC that has windows 7 ultimate. I have a laptop with windows 8. I want to stream games for mobile gaming but I don't know how.

Desktop specs: i5 4690k, 8gb ddr3 ram, gt 970
Laptop specs: i3 3200, 4gb, HD 4400

Many thanks in advance!! :)
Just like Illumynization said. Use Steams In House Streaming. I've been using it for years now (I was in during the beta too) and it's the best you can get for free.

The In House streaming software can use hardware acceleration on all GeForce, Radeon, and intel graphics chips. Shadowplay uses the built in hardware acceleration chip on GTX Maxwell cards.
The problem is that I got the Witcher 3 from Amazon so it does not have a steam version. It uses the GOG gaming platform. Thus I can't use steam streaming for that. Plus I tried steam streaming for other games in my steam library and it was really slow.

You'll probably need to adjust the bit rate and resolution then. Is your network fast?

Another app I just tried is NVidia's beta GeForce experience, it comes with the ability to stream games to any PC now. :)