How do I convert over 700 psw files into .doc files


Sep 14, 2010
My beloved iPAQ has died, and been replaced with an Android. Probably a mistake as I am having great difficulty getting the new machine (HTC wildfire) to do what could be done on windows mobile 7 years ago. In particular I have over 700 psw files which I'd like to convert to .doc files so they can be imported into the HTC phone and read using Documents To Go (which looks good).

Short of individually opening every file with word and resaving as .doc files, is there any way to batch convert all these files?

Lots of internet sites seem to offer converters, but when looked at in detail I haven't found any which can actually do .psw to .doc It can't be that hard! (Note that I can't do it by changing synch options with active synch as the old handheld is dead)

Thanks TIM

Thanks buwish. However I've had a look at that site and as far as I could see it doesn't do batch convert. you also need to name each file individually. To seperately uplaod and rename plus convert 700 files will keep me busy for a while longer than I had planned.