How do i get rid of harddisk security "primary master" password

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Dec 31, 2012
i was given a LG xnote, and when i boot it up it goes to a screen that says "harddisk security", "primary master" and asks for a password which i dont have. and the only other thing on the screen is a prompt saying press esc to bypass harddisk security, and if i hit esc it just goes to a black screen with a little text line in the top left corner. any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Someone gave you a laptop, for xmas, with a password on it. Give me a break. Ask them for the password or bring your stolen laptop into the police so the original owner can get their laptop back.

No one buys someone a laptop for a present, puts a password on it, then doesn't tell them the password.

Give me a break.

It's against forum rules. We do not know if you are the legal owner. New laptops do not come with hard drive passwords, so it may have been stolen.
We don't know if it was stolen or what. There's no way for us to tell. Therefore, the only way you can get the password is to ask the person that gave it to you. If that person is a thief then he won't know...
Someone gave you a laptop, for xmas, with a password on it. Give me a break. Ask them for the password or bring your stolen laptop into the police so the original owner can get their laptop back.

No one buys someone a laptop for a present, puts a password on it, then doesn't tell them the password.

Give me a break.

yah, it actually came from a pawn shop, my mom got it for me.
Well then really ask the person who gave it too you for the password. You may have to go back to the pawn shop and tell them what going on. You also may want to contact LG see if the laptop is listed as stolen (asuming the old user registered it) if not they maybe able to help.
99% sure it was stolen. I'd take it to the police and report the pawn shop for selling stolen merchandise. As getochkn says, at least the police may find the owner. Who knows, you might even get a reward for being a good samaratan.

no i didnt. and if its illegal than how do i fix it legally?

not possible, i live like 5 hours away from the pawn shop it was bought at...
This sounds sketchy, because I am fairly sure any semi-reputable pawn shop would make sure the laptop was fresh/working before selling it. If it is a non-reputable pawn shop, it was stolen well before you got it and you should contact the authorities. If it did not actually come from a pawn shop, it is just plain stolen.
lmfao for every answer another excuse
Not a gift
Stop stealing crap
Stay off the forums
*PS* 99% of pawn shops test their products before they buy.. Matter a fact I'd say 100% They aren't going to buy a computer that they can't even use and then turn around and risk their entire business for a lousy 2-400 dollar product.
Plain and simple you are a low life theif. Return it to the owner or the police dept. No pawn shop will buy a PC without making sure it works.

Get a job, then get a life.

Return it to the owner. Your IP address has been logged so you can be tracked down by the police. You ISP has your home address on file, expect a knockon the door soon.
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