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Man, how I hate when people behave like being part of the board of directors
of a company & just keep stubbornly and robotically repeating that all
people telling them otherwise are ignorants or fools or whatever.
I don't have my manual right here, but believe me, is there. At least on
both my sounblaster live and extigy.
Since I don't have it with me around and you keep behaving like a reborn
saint Thomas, here's a quote from both a guy making a question who, great
golly, already knows the soundblasters all re-sapmle and the answer from a
creative representative stating that only two do not resample & even so, you
have to tell them not to, otherwise they are set to resample by default.
Here're the quotes:
<<<I would like to know if it is possible to get a bit-perfect NONE
RESAMPLED spdif soundstream from the Sound Blaster Audigy 2NX. I know that
all other Sound Blaster cards resample all sound at 48Khz, but it has been
debated if this also applies to the Audigy 2NX...>>>
Only the Audigy 2 ZS and the Audigy 4 Pro cards have a bit-accurate mode.
With these cards you can turn on the bit accurate mode and there will not be
any resampling of the SPDIF input. The Audigy 2 NX does not have this
And here's the link to the creative web forum, just in case you still don't
I think now you can say I just made that page up to deceive you
Pole Dome Guitar Religion
I talk to the wind
My words are all carried away
I talk to the wind
The wind does not hear
The wind cannot hear"
King Crimson
"Kenneth Iversen" <kenneth.iversen@notvalid.tele.duh> wrote in message
> "pedro itriago" <> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:cp9csc$nog$
> > It's even on those sound blaster manuals. They re-sample.
> How odd...its not in my manual. I guess they must have forgotten
> to include it.
> /Kenneth Iversen