find an image you want in google image search and click on it again to make it bigger, then right click and 'save as'. once the picture has downloaded open it, then right click and select 'set as desktop background'.
i love gymnastics so i want to make a gymnastics picture from the internet my wallpaper on a acer laptop how do i do that
One way is... if you have the page loaded up inside your browser.. just RIGHT CLICK it inside the pop-out menu select SAVE AS then the location. Now if you want to make that particular image file your background just right-click on the photo and select SET AS BACKGROUND.
If you want the absolute best results it's best to have the picture as the same resolution as your desktop. For example, if your monitor is 1920x1080 then the best fit would be a photo at that resolution. Now you can tell Windows to adjust the fit of the images like stretch it or keep it in the middle and give it colored backgrounds. On my computer, I just create custom Wallpapers that are at the same resolution as my monitor. I use a photo editing program to first create a canvas or background wall that is exactly the resolution I want. Then I just paste the images onto the canvas and it becomes a perfect fit.
Instead of creating a new account, you could have easily found this answer on Yahoo Answers, not here.
I think about 75% of the questions people post on this site could be found on Yahoo as well...
I mean, I guess it's not really the questions, as much as the people who look up "tech support forum" make an account then only ask one question and never contribute or use it again.