How do i remove a hacker from my system?

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May 24, 2013
There is a hacker who has my ip address and has some hacking software in my system. Would reinstalling windows and getting my ip address changed remove the hacker and prevent him from getting access to my system in the future?
There are a few ways to fight an issue like this.

You can find and remove any malicious software.
You can close vulnerabilities that allow attacks.

It would help to know what kind of network connection you have, and how/why you think someone is hacking in.

I have at&t uverse... wired connection to the actual router/modem. I was having problems in installing certain softwares and so i called a technical support guy. This guy remotely connected to my computer and after looking into stuff he said that there is a hacker in my system and that reinstalling windows wont help... he showed me that the hacker was stopping some commands in my computer and thats why its not letting me install things... my friend told me that it is a scammer and if there is a hacker then i shud just reinstall windows and change my ip address...
If you just picked a random tech support company to call, there are quite a few that are setup to just take money and pretend there is something wrong. Not saying that there is not, but often the hackers are those same companies that you invite to use your computer.

First, get a router, do not just connect the computer to the modem, unless the modem has a router built-in. You can have the ISP change your IP for you. And re-installing Windows will clear most viruses.
There is a lot of malware out there, that will screw with the OS, and can do things like stop programs from running. That doesn't necessarily mean someone is actively in your system playing around. Running malware scans, such as the guide in my signature, can remove malware such as that. If you don't care about losing data, you can just wipe the system, and that will also do the job.

As mentioned above, you can add a router between your modem and PC. Then you can do things like hide the SID, enable encryption, and use MAC filtering. Your router would then assign an IP address to your PC.

I have a a modem with a built in router in it... i will do this then install a antivirus software... thanks for your help 😀
The guy on the phone was a fake.

If you let him remote into your computer, if he installed software, or if you installed anything he asked you to, reinstall Windows with a fresh format.
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