How do I remove or recover the lost BIOS password in a Panasonic CF-30?

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You can't get in through here.
You'll need to go to the Panasonic Service center or write to them with your valid proof of purchase proving you're the rightful owner of the laptop and they'll solve it for you within a minute.

OK, I bought this CF-30 off a dealer through an eBay transaction.
What sort of evidence that I bought it legitimately should I have ready?

Thanks for the reply.
Oh, no. I was aware that the bios was passworded. That's why I got the computer at such a low price. I am happy with it, I just want to make it better. The WiFi seems to be disabled in BIOS and I need to get into the BIOS to reset that. This is in no way a faulty transaction. I just want to know what info I need to have ready to give to Panasonic that will prove to them that I am the rightful owner of this machine.
But thanks for the input anyway.

Knowing it had a BIOS password on it, did you ask the seller for the password?
If he did not know it, or wouldn't give it up, how does that not smell like a stolen PC?
That's what *I* would assume, anyway.
The seller is a computer dealer in the Midwest with a huge number of positive feedbacks. I presume the dealer got the computer in a mass buy of surplus computers from an industrial or government auction. With the CF-31 being introduced the CF-30s are beginning to be surplussed. I can easily see how a computer with a password-protected BIOS managed to slip by. Obviously, the dealer didn't know the password or it would have never sold at such a low price. If it were to have come from a private party, that would have raised my suspicions about it having been stolen. Of course, anything is possible.

That may be the case. But Forum rules here preclude assisting with getting around passwords.
OK. That's fair. Can you possibly tell me what kind of info that constitutes a valid proof of purchase that I will need to have ready when I contact the Panasonic Service people? Or is that also verboten?
Very good. Do you perhaps have a URL or a telephone number for them? I am currently trying to find one. So far a lot of listings for other Panasonic products, but nothing for computers.
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