Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (
More info?)
Elector <> wrote:
> You don't dial up to download Get It Now, you select the operation
> button on your cell phone and then download the application. It will
> appear on your cellular invoice as near to your closing date as
> possible. If you get the application or program after the closing date
> of your service then it will be listed on the next invoice. If you get
> it before the closing date then it will appear on the invoice that is
> upcoming.
I'd like to add that some of the charges are one-time charges and some
are subscriptions (depends on how much the publisher of the GetItNow! app
wants to charge). Look carefully when you download stuff.
-- Internet & New Media Services, Apple Valley, CA PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge / 888.480.4NET (4638) /
Domain Names, $9.95/yr, 24x7 service: http
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slip covers." -adam brower * Hiroshima '45, Chernobyl '86, Windows 98/2000/2003