Question How is it possible to type a right-to-left language with English letters in the same line?


So I am trying to type a document in a right-to-left language, and if I use English letters in the middle of the line, it brings the English letters to the right side of the line and messes up the order of the whole sentence. Also punctuation marks like a period. Currently I am trying this on Microsoft Word (Any version I've tried does this, including 2003, 2007, and 2016), but it happens everywhere, such as emails. The language I am trying to use is Hebrew. Any suggestions?

An example:
זאת דוגמא. עם אני מנסה מילה כמו IT, זה עושה ככה.

In the above sentence, IT should be on the left side with the comma on it's left, and the Hebrew text on the right side should also be on the left of where IT should be. The period also should be on the left side, not the right- which happens at the end of every last sentence of a paragraph.

Funnily enough, the opposite does not happen. Typing Hebrew characters in the middle of English sentences runs smoothly.


I've found a solution, but it is not a solution for typing everywhere. In places like, Gmail, or Microsoft Word, there is a right-to-left option besides the alignment. It's usually found in the 3-dotted formatting menu options on Gmail and But for typing on something like this forum, for example, I still haven't found a solution.