Solved! How much can i get for my old laptop?


Apr 8, 2014
Hello! I recently bought a new laptop to replace my old one. I was thinking about selling it and if it was even worth it. The laptop itself is actually still very good, the battery is dead tho will last 30 minutes or less but other than that works great.

The laptop in question is an Asus K56CM-XX291H.
-Swapped the HDD for a 256gb SSD
-NV GT 635M 2G
-8GB Ram
You can get something out of it, how much you can look at eBay sales for same or similar models. With the battery being weak (which is perfectly normal for this age laptop), I'd guess it's maybe $200, 250. Specs are about what a Lenovo W430 has, last one I sold went for 220 with 16 GB of RAM and a solid state drive.
You can get something out of it, how much you can look at eBay sales for same or similar models. With the battery being weak (which is perfectly normal for this age laptop), I'd guess it's maybe $200, 250. Specs are about what a Lenovo W430 has, last one I sold went for 220 with 16 GB of RAM and a solid state drive.
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