How much would my laptop be worth?


Jul 23, 2017
Hello, thank you for reading this, i'll start by saying this laptop is 7 months old (Bought it on December 22nd) and has a 5 month warranty left (not sure if the warranty part matters). I wanted to know the resell price. Here's the Specs.

System Model: Aspire E5-575
Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
Hard Drive - 1 TB
15.6" Screen
Memory: 8192MB RAM (8 GB's)
Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
Built in Webcam

Tell me if you need any more information! Thanks!

No scratches or marks, battery is good, everything in good condition.
My suggestion is to auction it on ebay for around $200 and see where it goes from there. I think you can put a "reserve" on your listing for an extra fee which basically allows you decide whether or not you are willing to sell the laptop to the highest bidder.

Most laptop brands do not allow warranties to be transferred and I am pretty sure Acer is one of them.


Yep, Acer definitely does not allow the warranty to be transferred to anyone. It only applies to the original purchaser.