Solved! How the heck does discord know what programs I have open?

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Oct 12, 2014
I thought that programs simply didn't have these kinds of permissions.

I'm a security freak and things like this egregiously irritate me; software these years is also actively trying to encroach in my opinion. Websites want to show me notifications (for whatever stupid reason), and finding out discord has permissions and the ability to see what I'm doing is incredibly unnerving...

What can I do about this individually and also generally...?
Its almost as if you agreed to those terms when you installed discord. But you didnt read the end user agreement, did you?

Most people dont have an issue with discord knowing, and displaying certain programs under your name, in fact most of the people using it are gamers and like having people know what game they are in, so they include it as a feature.

If you are that concerned about the access to programs, you should just choose a platform that doesn't do it.
Wow I mean thanks for your response but I'm not sure why you have to be so affront and sarcastic about a simple question.

I'm not sure this entirely solves my issue or explains too much however.

Hello from a fellow UC, though.
Which UC?

AFAIK, discord accesses the program information in its base programming, I dont think you can disable that.

By the way, excuse me if I sounded sarcastic last night, I was just 6 hours deep in an online class.
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